
46 "拿"是会意字,合手就是拿. 46 "take" is knowing the word, together is to take.

46  "拿"是会意字,合手就是拿.
   拿是会意字。合、手二字组合为拿。《说文》作形声字。《说文》注:“(拏), 持也。从手,如声。牽引也。从手奴聲。女加切”拿义为拿起、握、持。引申捕捉、掌握、使用、取得、挟持等。《说文》另一义,指牵引.
 []()  hold  take; bring; fetch  seize; capture  put sb. in a difficult position()  with  introducing the object to be followed by a verbal phrase

46 "take" is knowing the word, together is to take.
Take the word is knowing. Together, the word combination for the hand to take. "Said the text" for the phonetic characters. From the hand, such as the sound. Traction also from the hands of slave sound female plus cut "take justice to pick up, hold, hold." Extended to capture, master, use, access, hostage and so on. "Said the text" Another meaning, refers to the traction.

Take ④ take sb. In a difficult position Ⅱ (介) ① with ② introducing the object to be followed by a verbal phrase (使) ① hold ② take; bring; fetch ③ seize;

1 条评论:

  1. "拿"這字原是英文take, 台語唸"take "/拿去take it ----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
