
75 "扫",甲骨文象持帚扫地之形,意指扫除。 75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.

75  "扫",甲骨文象持帚扫地之形,意指扫除。
 [] ()  sweep; clear away  pass quickly along or over; sweep75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.

75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.
Sweeper bone like a broom sweeping the shape. "Said the text" Note: "abandoned also from the soil, from the broom. Extended to eliminate, scan, do, all and so on.
Sweep [sweep] (动) ① sweep; clear away ② pass quickly along or over; sweep

