
65 "挤"是指五指整齐用力挤奶或挤压其它物体. 65 "Squeeze" refers to five fingers neatly forced milking or squeezing other objects.

65  "挤"是指五指整齐用力挤奶或挤压其它物体.
 [] ()  squeeze; press  jostle; push against  crowd; pack; cram

65 "Squeeze" refers to five fingers neatly forced milking or squeezing other objects.
Squeeze squeeze is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Hand-shaped character; Qi for the sound character. Qi is also a character, Oracle as Wo wheat spike spike head flush shape, here refers to the five fingers neatly forced milking or squeezing other objects. "Said the text" Note: "Platoon also from the hand, in unison. Crowded meaning to push out by hand, squeeze. Close also known as crowded. Extrusion squeeze, run, squeeze and so on.

Squeeze [to squeeze] (move) ① squeeze; press ② jostle; push against ③ crowd; pack;

