
36 "膝"是形声字.肉为形符;桼为声符(也像四条韧带有序分布之形) 36 "Knee" is the phonetic character. Meat for the character; 桼 for the sound (also like the four ligaments orderly distribution of the shape).

36  "膝"是形声字.肉为形符;桼为声符(也像四条韧带有序分布之形)
 () knee

36 "Knee" is the phonetic character. Meat for the character; 桼 for the sound (also like the four ligaments orderly distribution of the shape).

Knee knee is phonetic. Meat for the character; 桼 for the sound character. Knee refers to the knee, also refers to the knee. The knees are located between the large and small legs. The main internal composition of the knee is a meniscus and four ligaments. There are two in the knee on both sides, known as the medial and lateral ligament ligation ligament, the main function is to prevent the knee axis from the bit; the other two ligaments were distributed in the knee before and after the side, known as the anterior cruciate ligament and posterior Cruciate ligament, the role is to prevent the knee before and after the shift.

