
42 "路"是会意字.足为形符,各是意符. 42 "Road" is knowing the word. Foot for the character, each is the meaning of character.

42  "路"是会意字.足为形符,各是意符.路指道路,又指思想或行动之方向、途径。

() road; path; way  journey; distance  way; means  sequence; line; logic  route  sort; grade; class () number of the bus (tram) line

42 "Road" is knowing the word. Foot for the character, each is the meaning of character.  Road refers to the road, also refers to the direction of thought or action, way.
Road is knowing the word. Foot means walking, the fingertips of the party. Will facilitate the two-way walk unimpeded road. "Said the text" Note: "Road, also from the foot, from the various." Xu Xuan Note: "The words of the road have their own fitness." Road is the road. Extended journey, route, route, queue, track and so on. Road, also refers to the direction of thought or action, ways. Borrowing refers to aspects, areas, and types.

Route ⑤ route ⑥ route; way ② journey; distance ③ way; means ④ sequence; line; logic ⑤ route ⑥ sort; grade; class Ⅱ (quantity) the bus (tram) line

1 条评论:

  1. "路"這字原是英文 road, 台語唸"road or lo " ----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
