
64 "swing", the ancient four thousand people for the army. Army is the unit of the armed forces, is a complete combat groups.Command command of such a large combat forces, showing the "swing" momentum. 64 "挥",古时四千人为军。军是军队的编制单位,是完整的作战群体.用手指挥这麽庞大的作战部队,可见"挥"的气势.

64  "挥",古时四千人为军。军是军队的编制单位,是完整的作战群体.用手指挥这麽庞大的作战部队,可见"挥"的气势.
 [] ()  armed forces; army; troops army (as a military unit); contingent

 [] ()  wave; wield  wipe off  command; despatch (an army)  scatter; disperse

64 "swing", the ancient four thousand people for the army. Army is the unit of the armed forces, is a complete combat groups.Command command of such a large combat forces, showing the "swing" momentum.
Army is knowing word. To soldiers back to the circle around the shape of soldiers, knowing the military. From the car, from the package province. "" Army, military vehicles also. "Army refers to the barracks, surrounded by military vehicles in order to self-defense. Four thousand people in ancient times for the army. Army is the unit of the army, is a complete combat groups, the next division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, row. Refers to the armed forces or with the armed forces of things.
Army [military] (名) ① armed forces; army; troops ② army (as a military unit); contingent

Fu is also knowing the word "Fen also .For hand-shaped character; Army refers to the army. <Note> Note:" Fen also. From the hand, the military sound. "Yi Yi command for the hand (army), also refers to the force waving, shaking.If the volatile, consumption, erase, get rid of.

Wipe off (command) ① wave; wield ② wipe off ③ command; despatch (an army) ④ scatter; disperse

