
62 "抽"象土堆上幼苗破土抽出之形. "pumping" like a mound on the soil out of the shape of seedlings.

62  "抽"象土堆上幼苗破土抽出之形.
  抽是形声字,也是会意字。手为形符;留省声。《说文》注: “引也。从手,留声。抽,或从由。”“抽木生条也。从弓,由声。《商书》曰:若颠木之有抽。”本义为引、引出。从总体中引出一部分为抽。引申取出、拔出、吸出、抽搐、抽筋、抽象等。
 ()  take out (from in between)  sprout; bud  draw  shrink  lash; whip; thrash

62 "pumping" like a mound on the soil out of the shape of seedlings.
Pumping is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Hand-shaped character; "Said the text" Note: "cited also from the hand, the sound, pumping, or from the." "Pumping wooden slats are also from the bow, by the sound." Business "said: The original meaning of lead, leads. A portion of the population is drawn. Extraction, extraction, aspiration, convulsions, cramps, abstraction and so on.

(1) take out (from in between) ② sprout; bud ③ draw ④ shrink ⑤ lash; whip; thrash

