
54 "捆"是会意字,又是形声字.手是形,困即捆 "Bundle" is knowing the word, but also the shape of the word sound

54  "捆"是会意字,又是形声字.手是形,困即捆
 []() tie; bind; bundle up () bundle
()  be stranded; be hard pressed  surround; pin down ()  tired  sleepy

54 "Bundle" is knowing the word, but also the shape of the word sound
Bundles are phonetic characters. Hand-shaped character; trapped as a sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "Bundle also from Wo, sleep sound." The original meaning of binding, bundling. As a quantifier, referring to the bundle of things.
Bundle [bundle] Ⅰ (moving) tie; bind; bundle up Ⅱ (quantity) bundle
The trapped oracle bones are shaped like bunches of wood. "Said the text" Note: "trapped, so Cottage also from the wood, in the mouth." Difficulties for the trapped, besieged. Extended distress, poverty, fatigue, distress, hardship and so on. "Said the text" by the trapped refers to the Cottage, non-trapped in the original meaning.

(Hard) ① be stranded; be hard pressed ② surround; pin down Ⅱ (shape) ① tired ② sleepy

