
47 "取",耳是形,"又"是指以手持刀去割取左耳. 47 "take", the ear is shaped, "and" refers to hand-held knife to cut the left ear.

47  "取",耳是形,"又"是指以手持刀去割取左耳.
 ()  take; get; fetch aim at; seek  adopt; choose

47 "take", the ear is shaped, "and" refers to hand-held knife to cut the left ear.
Take Oracle as the hand to take the shape of the ear. Knowing. "Said the text" Note: "Capture also. From again, from the ear." Zhou ": by the acquisition of the left ear." Take that access to capture. Ancient refers to the cut to kill the enemy's left ear, to remember the power to take. Derived, selected, and so on.

Fetch; aim; seek; fetch ② aim at; seek ③ take;

