
51 "找",由手\戈二密码组成,表示戈拨\手寻就是找. 51 "to find" by the hand \ Ge two password, said Gobo \ hand search is to find.

51  "找",由手\戈二密码组成,表示戈拨\手寻就是找.
 ()  look for; try to find; seek  want to see; ask for; call on  return the balance of money; give change

51 "to find" by the hand \ Ge two password, said Gobo \ hand search is to find.
  Look for is the phonetic word. Hand-shaped character; Ge Yi also sound. Hand-held Ge said to find shelter. Look for justice to find. Extended to seek. Currency exchange refers to "find fill."

Find (a) (1) look for; try to find; seek ② want to see; ask for; call on ③ return the balance of money; give change

1 条评论:

  1. "找"或"搜"這字原是英文serch, 台語唸"siu or chi_o" ----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
