
37 "踝"是会意字。足为形符;果是意符。 37 "Ankle" is knowing the word. Foot for the character;fruit is knowing the word.

37  "踝"是会意字。足为形符;果是意符。
   踝是会意字。足为形符;果是意符。果”意为“瓜果,是一种薄皮的植物子实。“足”与“果”联合起来表示“足部两侧隆起物”。不仅形状像果子,坚硬程度也像果子,且和果子一样皮层很薄,故命名这种部位为“踝”,意即“足果”为"踝". 《说文》注:“足踝也。从足,果声。谓足左右隆然圆起者。”踝指踝骨,在小腿和脚掌交接处,左右两旁突起处即是。
 () ankle

37 "Ankle" is knowing the word. Foot for the character;fruit is knowing the word.
Ankle   is knowing the word.  Foot for the character; Fruit "means" fruit, is a thin-skinned plant fruit. " "Foot" and "fruit" together, said "foot on both sides of the uplift." Not only the shape of the fruit, hard as the fruit, and fruit and cortical thin, so named for this part of the ankle. Ankle refers to the ankle, at the junction of the lower leg and the soles of the feet, that is, on both sides of the protrusion.

