
《汉字解码学》61 “鼓”是古代祭祀、作战、庆典必不可少的器具 "drum" is the ancient ritual, combat, celebration essential equipment.

61  “鼓”是古代祭祀、作战、庆典必不可少的器具。鼓字由四个密码符号组成,右是皮鼓及鼓架,左是手和击鼓的鼓棒(槌)。
 []() drum ()  rouse; agitate  blow with bellows, etc.  beat; strike; sound  bulge; swell

  • 依材料分:图鼓、涛鼓、亩鼓、与鼓、是鼓、忒鼓、同鼓等。
  • 依形状大小:大鼓,月鼓,打鼓,四鼓,篇鼓等。
  • 依特殊命名:羯鼓,太平鼓,堂鼓,花盆鼓,排鼓、套鼓,八角鼓,花鼓、腰鼓、抓鼓等。其中抓鼓是中国最小的鼓,仅用手指夹住就可敲打。

61 "drum" is the ancient ritual, combat, celebration essential equipment. Drum word by four password symbols, right is the drum and drum, left hand and drum drum drum (hammer).
Drums and sticks like drums and drums beat the drum shape. "Said the text" Note: "Guo also. Vernal Equinox. All things Guo leather armor out, so that the drum." Drums for possession of leather percussion instruments. As a verb, referring to the drum, refers to the knock, play, shoot. In the ancient war, the drum also has a command role, promote the sound of drums is encouraged to fight forward the soldiers bravely forward. Excitement, agitation, agitation.
Drum (drum) Ⅰ (名) drum Ⅱ (动) ① rouse; agitate ② blow with bellows, etc. ③ beat; strike; sound ④ bulge; swell

"Wiki Baidu" information: Drum is a percussion instrument, is also a communication tool, some tribes in Africa to convey information, the ancient Chinese army to command. Sturdy one or both sides of the tensioned membrane. The drum can be tapped by hand or a pestle (mallet). Drums in Africa's traditional music and in modern music is a more important instrument, some bands entirely by the drum-based percussion instruments. In addition to drums as a musical instrument, drums were used to disseminate information in many ancient civilizations.
The earliest drums appeared in the two river civilization in 6000 BC. According to archaeological data, China's earliest drums should be unearthed Majiayao culture "Tu drum."
Folk drum north and south are different, commonly known as "South Tonggu, north of the drum." It can be seen that Chinese drums tend to have quite different characteristics depending on the material and the area. It is known in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the drum has been divided into dozens. Can be divided into three categories:
According to the material points: map drum, Tao drum, mu drum, and drums, drums, Intuit drum, drum and so on.
According to the shape and size: drums, drums, drums, four drums, drums and other articles.
According to the special name: Jiegu, peace drums, drums, pots, drums, drums, drums, octagonal drums, drums, drums, drums and so on. Among them, the drum is the smallest drum in China, only the fingers can be pinched.

