
95 “體”字简化为“体”,将“体”字只限于人。人、本二字,其概念也较模糊。 95 "body" to simplify the word "body", the "body" is limited to the word. People, the word, the concept is more vague.

95  “體”字简化为“体”,将“体”字只限于人。人、本二字,其概念也较模糊。
 []()  body; part of the body  substance style; form () personally experience on sth.; put oneself in anothers position

95 "body" to simplify the word "body", the "body" is limited to the word. People, the word, the concept is more vague.
Body is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Bone for the character; Toyo for the sound symbol, but also intended to character. Bone word itself is a complete skeleton, is the skull, for the arms, below the "month (meat character)", both chest and abdomen, but also the skeleton of the feet. "Feng" refers to the body fullness. "Said the text" Note: "The total is also 12 from the bone, sweet wine." Body is the total body of twelve parts. Including the shoulder, ridge, buttocks; hand, including clip, arm, hand; foot, including the shares, tibia, foot. Refers to the body. , By means of things as a whole. Extending refers to the shape or shape of things, but also refers to the specifications of the things, forms or rules. Also refers to personal practice, experience or feelings. The introduction of language categories, refers to the written form of writing or poetry of the form of expression, such as fonts, style, poetry, genre and so on.

 []( body; part of the body  substance style; form () personally experience on sth.; put oneself in anothers position

