
《汉字解码学》41 “麻”是古人的主要衣著材料

《汉字解码学》41  “麻”是古人的主要衣著材料。甲骨文的吗“麻”字还未发现,篆书有“麻”字,说明它的历史长远。麻有多种类型。

 []() hemp; flax; jute ()  coarse; pitted; spotty  numb; tingle

41 "Ma" is the main material of the ancients. Oracle's "Ma" word has not yet found, seal the word "Ma" word, indicating its long history. There are many types of hemp.
Ma Ma is knowing the word. Hemp bar straight and tall plants, so the forest pictograms. Machinable in the house under the hemp, it is again wide for character. "Said the text" Note: "and Lin Tong, who rule, under the house. From wide, from the forest." Ma long in the ground, such as woods, people planted, cut Ma in the house, From the forest. Hemp, hemp plants are collectively referred to. Extended numbness, paralysis, anesthesia, measles, leprosy and so on. Ma also refers to feel insensitive or feel all the loss.

Flax; jute Ⅱ (shape) ① coarse; pitted; spotty ② numb; tingle

