
《汉字解码学》11 “单”是早期的一种捕猎工具 11 "single" is an early hunting tool.

《汉字解码学》11 “单”是早期的一种捕猎工具。
 []()  one; single  odd ()  separately; singly; alone  only; solely; alone ()  sheet  bill; list

11 "single" is an early hunting tool.
Single Oracle "single" as the Department of a pair of sets of hunting weapons, the middle of the big net, under the handle. Seal "single" refers to the individual. "Said the text" Note: "Single, large also." Single meaning is large, and that single, alone. By means only, only, weak, meager and so on. Odd for the single, and "double" relative.
单词 single (单) Ⅰ (形) ① one; single ② odd Ⅱ (副) ① separately; singly; alone ② alone; solely; alone Ⅲ (名) ① sheet ② bill; list

