
《汉字解码学》38 “艺”的本义是指农艺(农业技术) 38 "Arts" is the original meaning of agronomy (agricultural technology).

《汉字解码学》38  “艺”的本义是指农艺(农业技术)。
 [] ()  skill  art

38 "Arts" is the original meaning of agronomy (agricultural technology).
Arts and Oracle as hand-held seedlings, seedlings planted in the shape of the soil. Seal like a man kneeling with hand-held seedlings to prepare the shape of planting soil. "Said the text" Note: "This is also." Book "said: I art millet millet." Art refers to the cultivation of skills, but also refers to the skills. Refers to a variety of technologies, skills. Extended art.

Art [art] (art

