
《汉字解码学》12 “畢”是早期的捕鱼工具 12 "Bi" is an early fishing tool.

《汉字解码学》12 “”是早期的捕鱼工具。
 [畢]() finish; accomplish; conclude ()() fully; altogether; completely
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       Four Oracle password symbol -5

象形 芻、齿、臣、呈、辰、蝉
    会意 祠、春、吹、此、昌、丞、晨、撤、成、餐、畜、稠、宠、传、 
形声 雏嗤 

     Pictograms  Chu, teeth, Chen, was, Chen, silkworm
Knowing Temple, spring, blowing, this, Chang, Cheng, Chen, withdrawal, into, meal, animal, thick, pet, Chuan, Chuo
Phonetic young laugh

12 "Bi" is an early fishing tool.
Bi ancient text "Bi" as the ancient fishing using the hand-held mesh. "Said the text" Note: "field network also. Like Bi-shaped micro-also." Or "humble." Bi is the ancient fishing use of the long-handled network. Knowing a clean sweep. Complete, complete, complete, end.
Complete; complete; conclusion; conclusion Ⅱ (副) (完) complete; altogether; completely

