
《汉字解码学》56 “锄”是由木制转为铁制的除草农具 "hoe" is made of wood to iron weeding tools.

《汉字解码学》56  “锄”是由木制转为铁制的除草农具。

锄     锄是形声字。耡,是木制农具,耒为形符,助为意符。随着铁的铸造,改以金为形符,表示锄是金属打造之农具;助为声符。《说文》注:“《周礼》曰:以兴锄利萌。从金,助声。”多锄草,禾苗才能长得茂盛。锄本指锄草。引申消灭、铲除。作名词,指锄头。

锄  [ 鋤、耡、鉏 ] Ⅰ ( 名 ) hoe  Ⅱ ( 动 )  ①  work with a hoe; hoe  ②  uproot; eliminate; wipe out

56 "hoe" is made of wood to iron weeding tools.   Hoe is a phonetic word hoe. Hoe, is a wooden farm tools, Lei-shaped character, help for the Italian character. With the iron casting, changed to gold for the character, said hoe is the metal to build the farm tools; help for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "" Zhou Li, "said: to Hing Lee sprouting from gold, to help sound." More weeding, seedlings can grow lush. Hoe this refers to weeding. To exterminate. As a noun, refers to the hoe.    Hoe [hoe, hoe, 鉏] Ⅰ (名) hoe Ⅱ (动) ① work with a hoe; hoe ② uproot; eliminate;

