
《汉字解码学》43 “袍”是中国的传统服装 "Gown" is the traditional Chinese clothing.

《汉字解码学》43  “袍”是中国的传统服装。

 () robe; gown


43 "Gown" is the traditional Chinese clothing.

Robes are phonetic characters. Clothing for the character; package also sound meaning. "Said the text" Note: "cocoon clothing also. From the clothing, including sound." Robe that cocoon clothing, refers to the folder in the mezzanine of the long clothing. By means of cotton gowns (Tang introduced the introduction of cotton cultivation, popular Song), robes, cheongsam, Mangpao, robes and so on.
Gown (also: robe)

"Baidu Encyclopedia" information: China "Book of Songs", "Mandarin" has long been the name of the robe. In the Eastern Zhou period of the tomb of the goods, gown straight straight for the type, cross-collar, right 衽, long-sleeved Shi Yuan, hem up, waist belt, and dark clothing have similarities. "Book of Rites," explained that the robe has linings, floc sub-new, old Ji, "纩 as 襺 (cocoon), 缊 for the robe.Was visible at the time of the robe is a cotton-padded robe.From the Han Dynasty, ] For the use of new silk for the sandwich, [缊] is the old messy or old silk for the sandwich. Sui and Tang dynasties, gowns prevailed, in which large collar straight collar-style robe into Japan, promoting kimono Gown as one of the traditional costumes of the Chinese nation, is divided into robes, gowns, robes, People gowns and so on.
① robes
Emperor dedicated gown. Also known as Long Gun. Because the robe on the embroidered dragon named. It is characterized by plate collar, right 衽, yellow. In addition, the robes also refers to the ancient emperors wear dragon chapter dress. Tang Gaozu Takenori years so that subjects were not allowed to illegally wear yellow, yellow robe Sui for the royal family of dedicated service, since the ancient lineage for the system. 960 years, Zhao Kuangyin "yellow robe plus body", mutiny emperor, so robes called the yellow robe. Long robe on a variety of dragon pattern, history has changed. Long number is generally 9: before and after the body of the three, left and right shoulder of each one, lapel in possession of a, is the back of the five significant, consistent with the emperor "Ninth Five-Year respect." Qing Dynasty robes also embroidered "water feet" (hem and other parts of the water waves stone pattern), metaphor of mountains and rivers.
② official robe
Civil and military officials for the public service, dress robes. To a certain color or pattern that official rank. The Eastern Han Dynasty Yongping two years (AD 59) began to dress for the dress, with the printed ribbon as the main official identification. Since then, the official robe became a symbol of power in feudal society. Wu Zetian life when ordered to serve embroidered gown, embroidered aviary officials, military officials embroidered beast, is the origin of complement service. The Song Dynasty official robe sleeves hypertrophy, clearly stipulates the ornaments, Pei Shou, Wai and so on. Yuan Dynasty official robes to Luo for the fabric, and the pattern size that level. In the Ming Dynasty Hongwu years to create distinction between civil and military officials and other sub-system, known as the supplementary service; pro-expensive minister robes, in accordance with the quality of bullfighting clothes, flying fish clothes, python clothing (later called Mangpao), Kirin gowns, respectively embroidery corresponding Shaped like a dragon pattern. Ming Dynasty style is characterized by official robe on both sides of the increase in pawing said pendulum (swing). Outer wear and dress jacket gown must be temporarily installed horseshoe sleeves (commonly known as the dragon swallow mouth); as a line of gowns, said the robe, the right side of the lapel (the right hand side of the robe) Cut a foot in order to ride, it is also known as the lack of lapel gown. The official style of the chamber-dressing officer is four-line slits. Mangpao used to the Qing Dynasty, also known as Huayi, wider application, the provisions of cumbersome, by the service color, the number of pythons, wove on the top beads Zhu Ling, outer jacket on the radius of the composition of sub-sub-level system.
③ people gown
Folk for the daily life of the gown. Because of simple production, easy to wear, so gradually replace the dark clothing, in the civilian general wear. Zhou Dynasty and the Qin and Han scholars, the people of the gown, by the economic conditions, clothing rough. Since the Tang Dynasty, with the development of the feudal society and the exchange of national costumes, especially the Mongolian robe of the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty Manchu robe of the introduction, the style of people in the style of a long swing and short swing, Round neck, right 衽 and left 衽, big sleeves and small sleeves and short sleeves and other changes. Contemporary gowns and gowns in Chinese ethnic clothing, it is the result of the development and change of the gowns.

《汉字解码学》57 “薅”是由四个形符组成的会意字 "薅" is a four-character form of knowing words.

《汉字解码学》57  “薅”是由四个形符组成的会意字。

薅    甲骨文象手持蚌镰除草之形。《说文》注:“拔去田间草也。从草,辱声。”本指除草。又指用手或足薅除。(繁体字薅是以耒为形符)
h ā o 薅  ( 动 ) pull up (weeds,etc.)

 韦昭 注:“薅,耘也。”  韦昭(204年-273年),字弘嗣,吴郡云阳(今江苏丹阳)人。三国时期吴国文学家、史学家、经学家。他说:薅草就是秐草,主要指旱地的除草方法。
《汉书·王莽传中》:“予之南巡,必躬载耨,每县则薅,以劝南伪。” 《汉书》王莽当了皇帝,坐车南巡,还要带上除草农具,到沿途各县薅草,鼓励耕作。
 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·水稻》:“稻苗渐长,复须薅;拔草曰薅。薅讫,决去水,曝根令坚。” 《齐民要术·水稻》讲的是稻田的薅草过程,讲得科学、生动。

57 "薅" is a four-character form of knowing words.

薅 oracle bone like a hand-held mussel weeding shape. "Said the text" Note: "pull out the field grass also from the grass, humiliation." This means weeding. Also refers to hand or foot 薅 addition. (Traditional Chinese characters are in the form of Lei)
 H ā o 薅 (move) pull up (weeds, etc.)

The "薅" consists of four characters: female (female), female (female), female (female) and female (female). They remove the weeds by hand.
"Poetry Zhou Song good plow": "The 镈 Si Zhao, to 薅 tea Polygonum." "The Book of Songs" said the iron to the 镈 to weed, then, has no use of mussels sickle.
 Wei Zhao (204 - 273 years), the word Hong Si, Wu Jun Yunyang (now Jiangsu Danyang) people. The Three Kingdoms period Wu country writer, historian, classics. He said: grass is grass, mainly refers to the dry weeding method.
"Han Wang Mang biography": "to the southern tour, will be bound to carry the hoe, each county is to urge the South." "Han" Wang Mang when the emperor, the car southern tour, but also bring weeding tools , To along the county grass, encourage farming.

 The Northern Wei Dynasty Jia Sixie "Qi Min Yao surgery rice": "rice seedlings grow long, complex must be cut; weeding said Yue.", To the water, exposed root to make Kennedy. "" Qi Min Yao Shu " Paddy field of grass grass process, speak science, vivid.

《汉字解码学》56 “锄”是由木制转为铁制的除草农具 "hoe" is made of wood to iron weeding tools.

《汉字解码学》56  “锄”是由木制转为铁制的除草农具。

锄     锄是形声字。耡,是木制农具,耒为形符,助为意符。随着铁的铸造,改以金为形符,表示锄是金属打造之农具;助为声符。《说文》注:“《周礼》曰:以兴锄利萌。从金,助声。”多锄草,禾苗才能长得茂盛。锄本指锄草。引申消灭、铲除。作名词,指锄头。

锄  [ 鋤、耡、鉏 ] Ⅰ ( 名 ) hoe  Ⅱ ( 动 )  ①  work with a hoe; hoe  ②  uproot; eliminate; wipe out

56 "hoe" is made of wood to iron weeding tools.   Hoe is a phonetic word hoe. Hoe, is a wooden farm tools, Lei-shaped character, help for the Italian character. With the iron casting, changed to gold for the character, said hoe is the metal to build the farm tools; help for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "" Zhou Li, "said: to Hing Lee sprouting from gold, to help sound." More weeding, seedlings can grow lush. Hoe this refers to weeding. To exterminate. As a noun, refers to the hoe.    Hoe [hoe, hoe, 鉏] Ⅰ (名) hoe Ⅱ (动) ① work with a hoe; hoe ② uproot; eliminate;

《汉字解码学》55 “鉋”是鲁班发明的 "Planing" is Luban invention.

《汉字解码学》55 “鉋”是鲁班发明的。
[鉋]   刨是形声字。手(金)为形符;包为声符。刨指用于平刨木头或金属之工具。作动词,指刨平。作名词,指刨花、刨冰等。
 [鉋]() plane sth down, plane() plane, planer, planning machine

《百度百科》介绍:刨的发明始于鲁班。 鲁班在长期的木工实践中,需要经常与木头打交道,发现了许多可以进行改进的技术问题。如怎样才能使木板既平整又光滑,在鲁班之前,这个问题并没有得到很好的解决,影响了木工技术的进一步提高,鲁班根据工作需要,经过反复多次试验,鲁班给“斧头”加块铁片,装上木座,制出世界上首把刨子。有了这种工具,就可以把不平的木头刨平,把不光滑的木料创光滑了,对提高水工技艺很有帮助。其他如钻(打孔的器具)、铲、凿于、墨斗(木工画线用的)和曲尺等,传说都是鲁班发明的。其中曲尺,后人称之为鲁班尺,是木工用以求直角的,直至今人仍为木工所使用。鲁班发明的这些木工工具在当时有很大影响,它使许多木工工匠从比较繁重的手工劳动中解放出来,并且成倍地提高了劳动生产率;同时使木工技术的很多方面可以凭借比较简单的工具提高工艺水平和质量。
鲁班在木工工具的发明创造上,得到家人各方面的支持和帮助,尤其是他的母亲和妻子对他的帮助更大。例如,鲁班在做木工活、用墨斗放线的时候,都是由他的母亲拉住墨线的一端,他自己拉住另一端,以便弹墨放线。这样每次放墨斗线都需要他母亲帮忙,很不方便,鲁班也觉得有必要想出一个办法解决这个问题。后来经过他在生面,使木工技术的很多方面可以凭借比较简单的工具提高工艺水平和质量。 鲁班在木工工具的发明创造上,得到家人各方面的支持和帮助,尤其是他的母亲和妻子对他的帮助更大。例如,鲁班在做木工活、用墨斗放线的时候,都是由他的母亲拉住产实践中不断探索、反复试验,鲁班设计了一个小弯钩,拴在木头的一端,这样放线的时候就可以用这个小弯钩钩住木头的一端,以代替原来的手工操作,只需一个人就行了。从此以后,弹墨线就不用再让母亲帮忙。后来木工就把这个小弯钩称为“班母”,以纪念他的母亲对他的帮助。又如,刨木料时顶住木料的卡口,人们称之为“班妻”。据说这是因为鲁班以前刨木料时候,都是由他妻子扶着木料,后来他发明了卡口,才不用他妻子帮忙了。

55 "Planing" is Luban invention. Planing [plane] planer is the phonetic word. Hand (gold) for the character; package for the sound. A tool used for flattening wood or metal. (2) To act as a verb. As a noun, refers to shavings, ice and so on. Planing plane planing plane planing plane planing plane planing plane         Information: Luban, a small country (now in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province), was known as the originator of the construction industry. Luban's achievements not only in the construction industry, but also in the space industry, he invented the flying kite, is the first human conquest of space; in military science, Luban invention ladder (heavy weapons), hook huge (people are still using ) And other siege weapons, is a great military scientist; in mechanical terms, Luban has long been known as mechanical saints; In addition, there are many civilian, craft and other achievements. Luban is China's well-deserved father of science and technology. Luban: about Zhou Jingwang thirteen years (507 BC), died in Zhou Zhengding twenty-five years (444 BC). He is an outstanding inventor in ancient China. He is a famous inventor in the ancient China. He is a famous inventor in ancient China. Over the past two thousand years, his name and his story, has been spread among the broad masses of the people. China's civil engineers are known as his founder.     "Baidu Encyclopedia" Introduction: Planing the invention began in Luban. Luban in the long-term woodworking practice, often need to deal with the wood, found that many can be improved technical problems. Such as how to make the board is smooth and smooth, before the Luban, the problem has not been a very good solution to the impact of the woodworking technology to further improve, Luban according to work needs, after repeated tests, Luban to "ax" Iron, fitted with wooden blocks, the system out of the world's first plane. With this tool, you can flatten the uneven wood, the smooth wood is not smooth, and to improve the hydraulic technology is helpful. Other such as drilling (punching tools), shovel, chisel, ink fountain (woodworking lines used) and the song ruler, the legend is Luban invention. One song, later known as Luban foot, woodworking for the right angle, until today is still used by the carpenter. These woodworking tools invented by Luban had a great influence at the time, liberating many carpenters from the heavy manual labor and multiplying the labor productivity; at the same time, many aspects of woodworking techniques could be relied on relatively simple tools Improve the level of technology and quality.     Luban in the woodworking tools invention and creation, get all aspects of family support and help, especially his mother and his wife to help more. For example, Luban in carpentry work, put the line with the ink when the ink is pulled by his mother one end, he pulled the other end in order to play the ink discharge line. So every time put the ink line need his mother to help, very convenient, Luban also felt the need to come up with a way to solve this problem. Later, after his face, so that many aspects of woodworking technology can be relied on relatively simple tools to improve the level of technology and quality. Luban in the woodworking tools invention and creation, get all aspects of family support and help, especially his mother and his wife to help more. For example, Luban carpentry in the living, with the ink put the line when his mother pulled by the practice of production continue to explore, trial and error, Luban designed a small hook, tied to one end of the wood, so put the line When you can use this small hook to hook one end of the wood to replace the original manual operation, just a person on the line. Since then, the ink lines do not have to let the mother to help. Later, the carpenter put the small hook called "Ban Mu" to commemorate his mother to his help. Another example, planing wood to withstand the bayonet when the wood, it is called "class wife." It is said that this is because Luban when planing wood, are supported by his wife, timber, and later he invented the bayonet, do not have his wife to help.


《汉字解码学》54 “鑿”是用铁制打槽工具对木料开槽凿孔 "chisel" is the use of iron slotting tool for slotting holes in the wood.

《汉字解码学》54  “”是用铁制打槽工具对木料开槽凿孔。

凿  甲骨文是象形字,象凿子之形。篆书凿是会意字。金为形符,凿、殳(槌子)都是形符。《说文》注:“铅刀攻玉。”穿木也。从金族,省聲。”凿指铁制开槽凿孔之木凿。作动词,指开凿。作形容词,指证据确凿。借指明确、真实。
凿  [ 鑿 ] Ⅰ ( 名 ) ①  chisel ②  mortise Ⅱ ( 动 ) cut a hole; chisel or dig Ⅲ ( 形 ) ( 书 ) certain; authentic; irrefutable

《天工开物  ·锤 锻·凿》中说:“凡凿熟铁锻成,嵌钢于口,其本空圆,以受木柄(先打铁骨为模,名曰羊头,杓柄同用)。斧从柄催(1),入木透眼,其末粗者阔寸许,细者三分而止。需圆眼者则制成剜凿为之。”  这段话的白话解释是:凿子是用熟铁锻造而成的,凿子的刃部嵌钢,上身是一截圆锥形的空管,用来方便装进木柄(锻凿时先打一条圆锥形的铁骨做模,这叫做羊头,加工铁勺的木柄也要用到它)。用斧头敲击凿柄,凿子的刃就能方便插入木料而凿成孔。凿子的刃宽的一寸,窄的约三分。如果要凿成圆孔,则要另外制造弧形刃口的“剜凿”来进行。

54 "chisel" is the use of iron slotting tool for slotting holes in the wood.

Chisel Oracle is a pictographic character, like the shape of a chisel. Seal chisel is knowing the word. Gold for the character, chisel, Shu (hammer) are character. "Said the text" Note: "The knife attack jade." "Chisel wear wood also from the gold family, chisel provincial voice." Chisel refers to the iron slotted hole chisel. (2) To act as a verb. As an adjective, that the evidence is conclusive. By means of clear, true.
 Chisel [chisel] Ⅰ (名) ① chisel ② mortise Ⅱ (动) cut a hole; chisel or dig Ⅲ (形) (书) certain; authentic; irrefutable

"Heavenly Creations Hammer forging chisel" said: "Where the chisel wrought iron forging, embedded in the mouth of the steel, the empty circle to the handle by the wooden handle (first hit the iron mold, the name sheep head, With the use of.) Ax from the handle reminder (1), into the wood through the eyes, the end of the thick wide-inch Xu, thinner than one-third.Will be out of the eye made out cut out. "This vernacular Explanation: chisel is wrought from wrought iron, chisel blade embedded steel, the upper body is a section of the conical hollow tube, used to facilitate loading into the wooden handle (forged chisel when playing a cone-shaped iron to do Mold, this is called the sheep's head, the processing of iron spoon of the wooden handle also use it). With an ax hammering the handle, the edge of the chisel can be easily inserted into the wood and cut into holes. The width of the chisel blade inch, narrow about three points. If you want to cut into a round hole, will have to create another arc-shaped edge of the "cut out chisel" to carry out.

《汉字解码学》53 “错”字本意是指金银器皿、手饰物的错纹工艺 "wrong" is intended to refer to gold and silver utensils

《汉字解码学》53  “错”字本意是指金银器皿、手饰物的错纹工艺。此工艺始于战国时期。
 []() mistake; error; fault ()  wrong; mistaken; erroneous  interlocked and jagged ()  alternate; stagger  grind



53 "wrong" is intended to refer to gold and silver utensils, hand ornaments of the pattern pattern. This process began in the Warring States period.
Error is the phonetic word. Gold for the character; wrong province sound. "Said the text" Note: "Gold coated also from the gold, Xi sound." Wrong that the use of gold powder finishing equipment. Ancient coated gold is called "wrong". Borrowing is an error word. Errors, errors, mistakes, avoid, and so on.
Mistaken; erroneous ② interlocked and jagged Ⅲ (dynamic) ① alternate; stagger ② grind (wrong)

Warring States period, there are inlaid bronze, gold and silver decoration of gold and silver wrong process. Gold coated, that is, gold (silver) powder finishing device, the pattern or flowers and birds, or landscape, or people, or patterns, are patchwork.

"Baidu Encyclopedia" information: Chinese characters is the meaning of the world's most abundant text, and "wrong" and the meaning than the average Chinese characters, but also much more abundant. According to "Kangxi Dictionary", "Chinese Dictionary" and other books to explain, it has at least a dozen different meanings. However, we are here talking about gold and silver wrong, the "wrong" word, it must be linked to gold and silver to make it clear; at the same time, but also to the era of gold and silver popular misplaced interpretation of the times prevail, Up and down for thousands of years, the brighter future to talk about, it would be "on the maze of ferry, the fog missed the floor," nothing to say.
Han is the most popular gold and silver process of the era, that time people say? There is a well-known university in the Han Dynasty asked Xu Shen, he compiled a dictionary called "Shuowen Jiezi", the book of "wrong" word, there is only one explanation: "wrong, From the gold, sound ".

Gold and silver wrong most popular Han, the "wrong" all the explanation, only the above eight words, then said gold and silver wrong, is the gold and silver painted on the meaning of the bronze. Qing Dynasty outstanding scholar Duan Yucai text commented: "wrong, popular as Tu, and measures, that the gold measures on it." Therefore, broadly speaking, that is, gold and silver in the arrangement of objects on the pattern, you can call gold and silver wrong.

《汉字解码学》52 “银”的使用始于战国时期 The use of "silver" began in the Warring States Period.

《汉字解码学》52  “银”的使用始于战国时期。汉代《说文》称为“白金”。

 []  silver  relating to currency  silver-coloured


52 The use of "silver" began in the Warring States Period. Han Dynasty, "said the text" as "platinum."
Silver silver is the phonetic word. Gold for the character; Gen for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "Platinum also from the gold, Gen sound." Silver is white metal. Metal element, symbol Ag. Silver also refers to money or things related to money. As an adjective, refers to the color white and silver.

Silver [silver] ① silver ② relating to currency ③ silver-coloured

The use of silver in China begins with the decoration of objects. Warring States period, there are inlaid bronze, gold and silver decoration of gold and silver wrong process. Han said the silver as platinum, in addition to decoration for the objects, there are a small amount of silver, such as bowls, plates and silver and India. Sixteen countries have been used when the silver tableware. The Tang Dynasty is the heyday of the development of Chinese silverware, the country has 56 silver, the main producing areas are Shaanxi (now Henan Shanxian), Xuan (now Anhui Xuancheng), Run (now Jiangsu Zhenjiang), Rao (now Jiangxi Poyang) , Qu (now Zhejiang Qu County), the letter (now Jiangxi Shangrao) and other states. At that time, silverware production sub-official and act two. The former is the official camp workshop, the latter for the gold and silver industry artisans workshop. A wide variety of silverware, bowls, plates, cups, plates, pots, boxes, pots, bottles, pots, 匜 and smoked furnace, smoked balls. Tang Dynasty silverware, abundance, magnificent, dense decoration, magnificent, reflecting the era of the Tang Dynasty style, mostly for the nobility enjoyed, many of which are local tribute silver. Many silverware design is quite clever. Such as the 1970s in the southern suburbs of Xi'an Hejiazhuang unearthed a silver smoked ball of the Tang Dynasty, the ball is connected with two hinges, opening and closing freely; the ball has a spice of the small golden bowl with rings and spheres connected, no matter how the sphere of rotation, Always maintain a smooth bowl of spices will not be overturned, superb skills. The Song Dynasty, the silver industry is also very developed, silver body than the Tang Dynasty compact, carcass thin, decorative style tends to realism, and the emergence of chisel carved poems and other themes. Yuan, porcelain widely used, so that the gradual decline of silver production, but there are still many court silverware.

《汉字解码学》51 “铧”是铁器时代的农具 "Hua" is the era of iron tools.

《汉字解码学》51  “铧”是铁器时代的农具。铧,尖而呈三角形,置于犁头前端,铁制是耕田的主要农具。

 [] () ploughshare 


元智大学教授庄雅州说:近代從西北的新疆、甘肅到東南的浙江、福建,從東北的遼寧、吉林到西南 的雲南、貴州,都有兩漢時期的各種鐵農具出土,單是關中平原就有 6、70 件的鐵 鏵、犂鏡出現,足見其使用之普遍。

51 "Hua" is the era of iron tools. Hua, pointed and triangular, placed in front of the plow head, iron is the main farm farming tools.

Hua is a phonetic word. Huawei for the character; Hua refers to the metal part of the plow head, because of its frequent friction, shiny light, it said Hua mouth.

Discussion on the Origin of Cattle
Mr. Weiss said: the emergence of cattle farming technology in ancient China's agricultural history is undoubtedly an important milestone, it is China's ancient productive forces to a certain level of an important symbol. The widespread use of iron tools and the advent of cattle-farming techniques in Chinese history may represent a new era in which productive forces break through the decadent and declining production relations of the era and establish a new production relationship . The decline of our slave society and the birth of the feudal society were, to some extent, directly related to the emergence of iron farming tools and the invention of cattle farming techniques.
  "Plow" actually originated when, in accordance with the metallurgy, casting technology development history of the program, should be the first "Copper Brush" after the "iron Hua. At present, from the national archaeological excavation situation, "copper" found very little, "iron" is generally found in Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places. Why did the Warring States period cast "iron plow", which is the invention of iron-smelting technology, the development of productive forces are closely related. 
   In accordance with the history of metallurgical casting technology development process, should be the first "copper Hua", after the "iron Hua. Why is the result of archaeological excavations only iron unearthed, and very few "Copper Brush" unearthed? The reason is simple, copper, iron smelting history, although more than a thousand years earlier, but it really used as a tool for labor production - especially Is the history of farm tools is not earlier than the iron. In the era of slavery society, gold and silver have not yet begun smelting, copper as a precious metal, and for the ruling class to create luxury goods. Slave heavy manual labor, slave owners aristocratic class is not compassion. How can they make shiny jewelry or a shining cup turn into a plow and dirt? No! They do not pay attention to the development of agricultural production at all. From the above mentioned archaeological data to determine the Warring States period, cattle farming technology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River region has been widely promoted is no doubt.

Yuanzhi University professor Zhuang Ya state said: modern from the northwest of Xinjiang, Gansu to the southeast of Zhejiang, Fujian, from northeast Liaoning, Jilin to the southwest of Yunnan, Guizhou, have the Han Dynasty ironwork unearthed, Guanzhong Plain alone There are 6,70 pieces of iron Hua, plow mirror appears, indicating its use of the general.


《中文解码歌》3 东南西北歌 Song of the东南西北

    《中文解码歌》3 东南西北歌


         汪 岚
2016 10 29

      Song of the东南西北 
     (Music to borrow "a good full moon")

Vegetation, red rose or the East,
West around the clouds under the sunset.
South has a magnetic needle in the direction,
North back Yinshan cool weather.
East and West is the direction,
The earth rotates around the sun.
East there is no red sunshine,
The earth is warm?

          Wang Lan
             Eighty-one for

《汉字解码学》50 “南”极有可能指的是指南勺(司南) "South" most likely refers to the guide spoon (Sinan).

《汉字解码学》50  “南”极有可能指的是指“南勺”(司南)。
 () south


50 "South" most likely refers to the guide spoon (Sinan).
South of the bone as the direction of the boat shape. Seal like a compass south of the shape. "Said the text" Note: "vegetation to the south, there are any branches." Xu Shen said: South guide south. Vegetation to the south, lush foliage, strong branches. South is the position word, refers to the earth's south or south. Chinese compass was invented in the Warring States period, in the Shang Dynasty has no compass, refers to the ship to the south.

"Baidu Encyclopedia" information: Secretary of the South is the first magnetic director. "Sinan", began in the Warring States Period (475 BC - 221 BC), terminating in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - 907 AD). Because Sinan ancient evolution, it and a series of ancient inventions forged a bond.
Recorded the first document is Sinan "Guiguzi", which wrote: "Zheng people from the jade also, will carry the Secretary of the South car, for its perplexity." (Mou articles) from the "Guiguzi" records can be seen, Zheng people to "take jade" must be brought to the Secretary South, is to avoid the loss of direction.
In his reference to Sinan's literature, Wang Chong's account is the most important, and he made it clear that "the dipper" refers to the scoop, which is the guide to the land. With this "guide" performance of the Secretary South, should be a magnetic director. However, here the "land" refers to the ancient plate in the "site." Discs are invented during the Qin and Han Dynasties, for the game or divination. In the "site" surrounded by 24 directions, the center engraved with the symbol of the Big Dipper. China's well-known modern science and technology historian and cultural relics expert Wang Zhenduo based on these records have successfully restored the Han dynasty Sinan.

Magnet orientation device, the people from the observation of the celestial body by the passive orientation of geomagnetic orientation by the initiative. The earliest magnet orientation device, is made of natural strip magnets of Sinan, it appears in the late Warring States Period (the third century) and in the Han Dynasty to further development. The appearance of the instrument is of great historical significance because it is a new type of guiding device made of magnetism which is distinct from the principle of astronomical orientation. It can work day and night in any weather condition, and can point out the direction quickly and easy to carry.

《汉字解码学》49 “铁”的使用标志着“铁器时代”的到来 49 The use of iron marked the arrival of the Iron Age.

《汉字解码学》49  “铁”的使用标志着“铁器时代”的到来。甘肃考古发现,我国使用铁器是在3500前,这正好是甲骨文使用的时代。甲骨文未见到“铁”字,是合乎情理的。
 [](① iron (Fe) ② arms; weapon (① hard or strong as iron ② indisputable; unalterable




49 The use of iron marked the arrival of the Iron Age.Archaeological discovery in Gansu, China is the use of iron in the 3500 before, this is precisely the era of Oracle use. Oracle did not see the "iron" word, is reasonable.
Iron iron is a phonetic word. Gold for the character; for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "Black gold. From the gold, sound." "Ancient Iron from Yi." Iron ancient saying that black gold, metal elements, symbols Fe. Iron is one of the black metal, is actually white, blue-black oxide. Can be used to steel, manufacturing a variety of mechanical equipment, but also indispensable to the material body. Iron and generation refers to the swords and guns and other weapons. Extended strong, tough, rape, ruthless and so on.
Iron (iron) I (name) ① iron (Fe) ② arms; weapon Ⅱ (shape) ① hard or strong as iron ② indisputable; unalterable

"Baidu Encyclopedia" information: Iron Age is the history of human development in a very important era. Iron is the earliest known iron in meteorites, ancient Egyptians called the fetish. Long ago, people had used this natural iron made the blade and accessories, which is the earliest case of human use of iron. The natural iron on earth is rare, so the iron smelting and manufacture of iron has gone through a long period of time. When people in the smelting of bronze on the basis of mastery of the iron smelting technology, the Iron Age is coming.
At present, the world's oldest unearthed smelting iron is Turkey (Anatolia) northern Hittite ancestors tomb unearthed in the copper handle iron blade dagger, 4500 years ago (2500 BC).
The cultural relics of the years identified as smelting by the detection. However, this relics represented by the era to the popularization of iron smelting between the Middle East for 1,000 years there are few new unearthed smelting iron, so it is very valuable solitary cases.
China region
China is currently found in the oldest smelting iron is Lintan County, Gansu Province Mogao Temple Tomb culture unearthed two iron bars, dating back 3510 ~ 3310 years (between 1510 BC ~ 1310 BC).
As the artifacts in 2009 was unearthed, was published only a brief, complete archaeological articles published in 2014, so the visibility is low. After Tsinghua University
Oxford Instruments and testing equipment, iron by the "block refining carburizing steel" forged from, is smelting metal. At the same time carbon 14 test showed that the two iron bars were - 3090 years ago, 3075 years ago; theoretical error of not more than 35 years. However, due to severe corrosion of iron, a complete internal corrosion of iron, and the remaining pieces of iron remaining remnants of iron. So the actual error may be larger. In this regard, the researchers on the bones of the tomb and other cultural relics of the tomb of the carbon 14 test, the final finds that the tombs and iron bars for the 3510 years ago to 3310 years ago (between 1510 BC ~ 1310 BC) . [1-2]

The relics not only broke the previous record of "the oldest ironware in China" maintained by the iron blade copper axle (unearthed in Pinggu County, Beijing), but also broke the "China's oldest smelting ironware" maintained by the Western Zhou Dynasty Record, of great significance.

《汉字解码学》48 “锡”的使用才得以进入青铜时代。“易”是锡的本字 。 "tin" was able to use the access to the Bronze Age. "Easy" is the tin of the word.

《汉字解码学》48  “锡”的使用才得以进入青铜时代。“易”是锡的本字。
()  easy  amiable ()  change  exchange


 [] () tin (Sn)


48 "tin" was able to use the access to the Bronze Age. "Easy" is the tin of the word.
Easy to bones like water from the container bet the shape. Yi and 在 in the Oracle with the word. The melting point of 231.890c, and very soft, bronze age used in the red copper, tin, lead three kinds of metal, tin is most likely to melt, but also easy to shape. Therefore, the oracle for the easy. "Said the text" Note: "The sun and the moon is easy." (In fact no month, it should be subject to Oracle). Yi Yi as easy, easy. Extended exchange. Easy and "difficult" relative. As a noun, referring to "Book of Changes", easy to water. In the commodity economy, refers to the transaction.
Easy (1) easy (2) easy (1)

Tin and easy to tin with the word for the tin. Like tin water from the container betting shape. "Said the text" Note: "Between silver and lead from the gold, easy to sound." Tin is a silver lead between the non-ferrous metals. Metal element, symbol Sn. The hardness between silver and lead. Silver-white, shiny, rich ductility.

Tin (tin)

"Wikipedia" information: tin is a chemical element, the chemical symbol is Sn (Latin Stannum abbreviation), its atomic number is 50. It is a master metal. Tin is a ductile, soft, highly crystalline, silver-white metal. When the tin rod is bent, since the tin crystal is a twin, you can hear the cracked sound known as tin. Pure tin with silver-gray metallic luster, it has good stretch properties, it is not easy in the air oxidation, and its various alloys have anti-corrosion properties, so it is often used as other metal coating. Tin is the main source of its oxide minerals cassiterite (SnO2), rich in China, Yunnan, Malaysia and other places.

Tin is one of the earliest metals known to man, and since ancient times it is one of the constituent parts of bronze. As early as the 36th century tin was used to harden copper. About the beginning of the 7th century, the human understanding of pure tin. In the Warring States period began to be used as the main material of weapons, Wuxi is named, according to legend Wuxi in the Warring States period rich in tin, to the tin mine exhausted, people to Wuxi to name this place, as the world no war hope.