
解码汉字51 “铧”是铁器时代的农具。 51 "ploughshare" is the era of iron tools.

51  “是铁器时代的农具。

 [] () ploughshare
   按照冶金铸造技术发展史的程序,应该是先有铜铧,后有铁铧。为什么考古发掘的结果只有铁铧出土,而很少有铜铧出土呢?这个道理很简单,铜虽然比铁冶炼历史要早一千多年,但它真正用做劳动生产工具——尤其是农具的历史并不比铁早。在奴隶制社会时代,金银尚未开始冶炼,铜是作为贵重金属,而用于统治阶级制造奢侈品的。对于奴隶繁重的体力劳动,奴隶主贵族阶级是不会怜悯的。他们怎能让闪光发亮的首饰或一个明晃晃的觚杯变成一个犁铧和泥土打交道呢?不会的!它们根本不重视农业生产的发展。从以上所谈到的考古资料来判断,战国时代,牛耕技术在黄河中下游地区已开始普遍推广是无可怀疑的。元智大学教授庄雅州说:近代從西北的新疆、甘肅到東南的浙江、福建,從東北的遼寧、吉林到西南 的雲南、貴州,都有兩漢時期的各種鐵農具出土,單是關中平原就有 670 件的鐵 鏵、犂鏡出現,足見其使用之普遍。

51   "ploughshare" is the era of iron tools.
Hua, pointed and triangular, placed in front of the plow head, iron is the main farm farming tools.

Hua is a phonetic word. Huawei for the character; Hua refers to the metal parts of the plow head, because of its frequent friction, shiny light, it said Hua mouth.
 [] () ploughshare

Discussion on the Origin of Cattle
Mr. Weiss said: the emergence of cattle farming technology in ancient China's agricultural history is undoubtedly an important milestone, it is China's ancient productive forces to a certain level of an important symbol. The widespread use of iron tools and the advent of cattle-farming techniques in Chinese history may represent a new era in which productive forces break through the decadent and declining production relations of the era and establish a new production relationship . The decline of our slave society and the birth of the feudal society were, to some extent, directly related to the emergence of iron farming tools and the invention of cattle farming techniques.
"Plow" actually originated when, in accordance with the metallurgy, casting technology development history of the program, should be the first "Copper Brush" after the "iron Hua. At present, from the national archaeological excavation situation, "copper" found very little, "iron" is generally found in Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places. Why did the Warring States period cast "iron plow", which is the invention of iron-smelting technology, the development of productive forces are closely related. 

In accordance with the history of metallurgical casting technology development process, should be the first "copper Hua", after the "iron Hua. Why is the result of archaeological excavations only iron unearthed, and very few "Copper Brush" unearthed? The reason is simple, copper, iron smelting history, although more than a thousand years earlier, but it really used as a tool for labor production - especially Is the history of farm tools is not earlier than the iron. In the era of slavery society, gold and silver have not yet begun smelting, copper as a precious metal, and for the ruling class to create luxury goods. Slave heavy manual labor, slave owners aristocratic class is not compassion. How can they make shiny jewelry or a shining cup turn into a plow and dirt? No! They do not pay attention to the development of agricultural production at all. From the above mentioned archaeological data to determine the Warring States period, cattle farming technology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River region has been widely promoted is no doubt.

Yuanzhi University professor Zhuang Ya state said: modern from the northwest of Xinjiang, Gansu to the southeast of Zhejiang, Fujian, from northeast Liaoning, Jilin to the southwest of Yunnan, Guizhou, have the Han Dynasty ironwork unearthed, Guanzhong Plain alone There are 6,70 pieces of iron Hua, plow mirror appears, indicating its use of the general.

