
解码汉字71 “琮”是祭祀礼仪的礼器 71 "Cong" is a ritual ritual

71  “是祭祀礼仪的礼器    
 ( )Cong


71 "Cong" is a ritual ritual

Cong Cong is a phonetic word. Jade for the character, as the sound of the character. "Zhou Dazu Bo" Note: "Cong all directions, like the ground." Cong is the shape of the outer circle (eight rounds) of the jade ritual , For the ritual.
Cong (name) Cong

Wikipedia Information: Cong is the ancient Chinese for the sacrifice of the jade tube, the earliest Yu Cong found in Anhui buried hill Xuejiagang third culture, about 5100 years ago. In the jade, Cong is used for the jade of the festival, "Zhou Chun official big master" records "to jade for six, to heaven and earth to the Quartet: to the green day, to Huang Cong Li, to Green Gui Li The east, with the red barren south to the white ritual of the West, with the mysterious ridge of the north. "

Cong's shape looks like a pen holder, the shape of the square hole, to the Emperor Qianlong unearthed when no one knows the use of Qianlong own research that the ancients carrying heavy weights with heavy goods, but also named " "And the installation of copper liner as a pen and the palace flower arrangement vase, until the death of more than 90 years after the Qianlong was admitted to the ritual Cong.

