
解码汉字70 “礼”是祭祀的礼仪,并配有若干礼器。 进入阶级社会后,赋予了不同的道德规范。 70 "ceremony" is a ritual of rituals, and with a number of rituals. After entering the class society, given a different moral norms.

70  “是祭祀的礼仪,并配有若干礼器。 进入阶级社会后,赋予了不同的道德规范。
 [] () ① ceremony; rite ② courtesy; etiquette; manners ③ gift; present


70 "ceremony" is a ritual of rituals, and with a number of rituals. After entering the class society, given a different moral norms.

Rite of the bones of the text of the shape of jade worship. To the rituals of jade, to show the heart of etiquette, so the gods of the matter that the ceremony. The instrument of the ritual is called ritual. "Said the text" Note: "Lucky also." Therefore, the blessing of the blessing. "Followed by the ceremony, after the general refers to the gods, ancestors, respect, guests respect or commemorative ceremony. Li and as an ancient Chinese code of conduct and moral norms. Gift of goods also show respect for the meaning, so that gift.
Ritual (courtesy) etiquette; manners ③ gift; present

"Rites" was originally a ritual of religious rituals on a gesture, "Shuowen Jiezi" said: "ceremony, the performance also, so blessing blessing." We can see, "ceremony" and the original There is no hierarchical system of ethical and moral significance, after the emergence of class society, the human race began to have the level of religious worship also appeared in the identity of the restrictions and distinction, so as a religious ritual "ritual" began to have a society Identity distinction. Gradually transformed into an identity system of slave society and feudal society.
Since there is a human society, the ritual is produced, it is the fate of real life, with the outside things to decorate the situation, it mainly includes three parts, one, gift, is the salute used in the palace, clothes, utensils and other Material thing. Second, etiquette. Is to use the gift of the equipment action. Third, the rituals. It is expressed by the gift and etiquette of the real, plain white content, purpose or purpose. This requires that gifts and rituals must be appropriate, in the gradual improvement of the ritual practice proved to be no less than, just right.
"Li" has the meaning of social identity system, at the latest in the Shang Dynasty era already exists; but, as a more rigorous social system, it is the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty things. In the early years of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Wu cut out Zhou Yin, in order to consolidate his rule, on the basis of the ritual, Zhou Gong re-enacted the ritual music, which will be institutionalized and systematized as the ritual of social identity.
We say that the "ritual" of the feudal rituals has the attributes of the political hierarchy and ethics as the "ceremony" of the hierarchical system, emphasizing the "position". That is, Confucius called "Jun Jun, minister, father, son."
As the ethical and moral "ritual" specific content, including filial piety, mercy, Christine, Shun, King, and, benevolence, justice and so on.
In the "ritual" two aspects of the property, the hierarchical system for the "ritual" nature. And the ethical and moral attributes are the external manifestation of the hierarchical system. The feudal etiquette actually changed these external human moral concepts into human inner needs by infusing filial piety, ci, ci, cis, respect, and, benevolence, and righteousness to the people, restraining people's thoughts and restricting people's Behavior, the people into the ruling ladder of loyal servants, in order to achieve the purpose of maintaining the feudal hierarchy. Because of this, so the Chinese feudal society of the rulers of the feudal rites as the only way to maintain their rule.
Since the Republic of China, China's ritual system has become increasingly simple, humane, absorbing some of the Western models can learn from. "Ceremony", but people's daily life must comply with the norms of ethics and code of conduct, has been divorced from the original feudal period of the nature of the hierarchical system of service, but to maintain a good social morality norms. But this does not mean that we can no longer be "courtesy" of the constraints, and even the Confucian culture and so blindly as the old, and the Western civilization as a perfect. In fact, what we disdain is the dregs in the ritual. We must inherit and carry forward the noble things that occupy a considerable weight in the Confucian culture. On the other hand, the Western civilization is not entirely the same as ours. See the kind of human nature. With China's step by step development, "ceremony" unparalleled charm will once again shine, so that the eyes of the Chinese nation in the world, is a civilized, open nation, and China is of course a civilized, open country. It can be said that China's image, will be because of "ceremony" and more beautiful, fresh.

(But now many reality is not satisfactory, many people do not understand the courtesy, do not keep etiquette, the rough as a custom, as selfish as clever)

