
解码汉字74 "豆"是古代盛肉食之高足器皿,也是祭祀礼器之一。 74 "beans" is the ancient high-heeled meat dishes, but also one of the ritual ritual

74  ""是古代盛肉食之高足器皿,也是祭祀礼器之一。  
  豆 [] () the bean or pea family



74 "beans" is the ancient high-heeled meat dishes, but also one of the ritual ritual

In fact, the first plant "beans", after the ritual "beans".
Bean Bone As the ancient high-heeled meat-shaped meat, is one of the ritual ritual. "Said the text" Note: "ancient meat is also from the mouth, pictograms." Beans refers to the ancient use of high meat when the meat dish. Beans also refers to the beans of plants, refers to the beans.
  Beans [bean] (name) the bean or pea family

<Wikipedia> information: "beans" is the Chinese pre-Qin period of food and ritual. Dawenkou site has been unearthed pottery, popular spring and autumn and the Warring States period, initially used to hold millet, millet and other grains, used to hold pickles, meat sauce and other condiments.
Beans shaped like high foot plate, the upper disc-shaped, handle, circle foot. Shang Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty beans more shallow shallow, thick handle, no ears, cover. Spring and Autumn Warring States when the shape of the diversification of beans, there are covered, there are square beans, the plate has a shallow, deep points, handle a long, short of the other, there are ears, ears and other shapes.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Archeology Information: beans are sacrificial feast in order to dress meat, pickles dishes. In fact, when the discovery of the Yin Ruins, most of the unearthed beans are not filled with any relics, but often accompanied by animal bones together unearthed; a few relics of relics, mostly animal legs or meat, this phenomenon and " Text "in the word" beans, ancient meat, "also said the use of the same.
Beans in the ruins of the ruins of the ruins and tombs unearthed a considerable number of materials obtained by the point of view, the material of the beans pottery (gray, black pottery), the original porcelain, stone, wood-based, of which the number of beans Most, but no copper. Later in mainland China in Henan Anyang Guojiazhuang excavated two Shang Dynasty late copper beans, the number is also very limited.
Yin Ruins unearthed these beans, shape are all no cover, big mouth circle device. The whole consists of two sections: the upper part called "Wai", is the big and shallow Sheng Pan; the lower half is the horn of the high circle foot. The decoration is due to the different material and there are significant differences:

Gray pottery beans - the largest number of unearthed gray pottery beans, most of them are no decoration; decorated only in the mouth or circle foot carved a few strings only. Black Potato - Yin Ruins of black pottery is different from the texture of Longshan culture is so thin and light, but thick and dull black pottery. Decoration is also very simple, mostly string or ring pattern, and some will be in the circle and the circle on the highlight of a string pattern. Glaze porcelain beans - the excavation of the glaze pottery beans that is the original porcelain beans only one, out of the hole in the H107 cellar, in addition to the mouth has two small ears, the body plain no pattern. White Potatoes - The two white potions (R107.1, R107.2) found by the firm are from the tombs of the M388, and the whole body is the same and resembles the elaborate layout of the design (the upper and lower For the sector, the middle folder geometric, the unit of the Yunlei twill; circle foot is divided into three sections, with all kinds of changes in the Yunlei decoration).

