
解码汉字76 "酒"是何时发明的?据考古资料证实约在9000年前. 76 "wine" is invented when the archaeological data confirmed about 9,000 years ago.

76  ""是何时发明的?据考古资料证实约在9000年前.     
 () alcoholic drink; wine; liquor; spirits


76 "wine" is invented when the archaeological data confirmed about 9,000 years ago.

The shape of the wine in the wine altar. Three write is the fragrance-shaped, character is alcohol on the Yi-shaped, horizontal one is the altar of wine (water). After the change to three as water, then become phonetic characters. From the water, from the unitary, unitary also sound. Said said made. Good and bad made by the ancient instrument of the world for the wine mash, Yu taste of the United States and the United States and the United States , Then sparse Yi Di. Du Kang for wine. "秫 is a kind of sticky valley, it was considered a kind of sorghum. Wine is to use food, fruit and other fermentation by brewing ethanol-containing drinks. Wine can make people excited and even fascinated, the most able to adapt to the characteristics of each person. Wine is "on", "on" is to adapt. As a verb. As a noun, refers to wine, also refers to alcohol.
Alcoholic drink; wine; liquor;

According to the chemical analysis shows that nine thousand years ago, people through the mixing of rice, honey and fruit fermentation broth, the fermentation of rice and honey, To make wine. Oracle, gold also has "wine" word. Dayu may be the first documentary records of the king of drinking, "war policy Wei Wei" contains: "Yi Di for wine, Yu drink and Gan, then Shu Yi Di, and absolutely wine." Said: Wine in the country. "Jiang in the" wine Patent "said:" wine of the Xing, Zhao from the emperor, or cloud Yi, a said Du Kang. There are endless meals, the left empty mulberry, "Feng Shihua" wine history "said:" wine from the instrument Di Du began, then the author of the daily, more and more surprising, the South more glutinous rice, the north more Millet, for the different products. "

