
解码汉字65 “筝”是古代鼓弦竹身之一种传统乐器 65 "zheng" is a traditional instrument of the ancient drum string bamboo body

65  “是古代鼓弦竹身之一种传统乐器      

 [] () a Chinese zither with 21 or 25 strings

《互动百科》资料:中国拨奏弦鸣乐器。春秋战国时期已流行于今陕西省,史称秦筝。筝外形扁长方形,主要取材于梧桐木。琴面张弦,每条弦下设筝柱,可移动以调节音高和转调。最初为5 弦,经过9弦的过渡,战国末期发展为12弦。唐以后为13弦,明、清以后1516弦,20世纪60年代逐渐增至18弦、 21 弦、25弦,并改传统丝弦为钢丝弦尼龙缠弦。以后又试制出有变音装置的快速转调筝和以十二平均律(见新法密律新法密律)定弦的蝶式筝
传统筝以五声音阶定弦,音域为:13弦筝 Gc216弦筝Aa218弦筝Ad321弦筝Dd3 25弦筝Ge3 。今常用21弦筝。

65 "zheng" is a traditional instrument of the ancient drum string bamboo body

Zheng Zheng is a phonetic word. Bamboo is a character; "Zheng Wen" Note: "drum string bamboo body, music also from the bamboo, war." Zheng is the zither, is the ancient drum string bamboo body of a traditional instrument, still in use today. Guzheng, also known as Qin Zheng, zheng, the earliest recorded in the "Historical Records": "hit urn pot knock pot, beat zheng stroke, and whine whirring, this is true Qin sound." History has been developed, still Chinese music is one of the commonly used instruments.
Zheng with 21 or 25 strings

"Encyclopedia" Information: Chinese dial string instrument. Spring and Autumn Warring States period has been popular in this Shaanxi Province, known as Qin Zheng. Zheng shape flat rectangular, mainly based on the Indus wood. Piano surface string, each string under the kite column, can be moved to adjust the pitch and transfer. Initially for the 5 string, after 9 string transition, the end of the Warring States period for the development of 12 strings. Tang after 13 string, Ming, clear after 15,16 string, the 20th century, 60 years gradually increased to 18 string, 21 string, 25 string, and change the traditional string for the steel string or nylon string. And then try out the sound transfer device of the fast transfer kite and twelve average law (see the new law of the law of the new law law) fixed string of butterflies.
Traditional zheng to five sound order strings, the range is: 13 zheng G ~ c2, 16 zheng A ~ a2, 18 zheng A ~ d3,21 zheng D ~ d3, 25 zheng G ~ e3. This is often used 21 zheng zheng.

