
解码汉字96 "矛",是从商代就开始使用的一种长柄有刃之直剌兵器。 96 "spear", is from the Shang Dynasty began to use a long-handled edge of the straight assassination weapons.

96  "",是从商代就开始使用的一种长柄有刃之直剌兵器。   
 () spear


96 "spear", is from the Shang Dynasty began to use a long-handled edge of the straight assassination weapons.

Spear is a pictograph. Like the shape of ancient weapons spear. "Said the text" Note: "Emirates also built in the military car, long twenty feet. Pictograms." "Ancient spear from the Ge." Spear is a long-edged sword of straight assassination weapons, there are emperor, The spear is equipped with sharp spearheads for offensive weapons. Shield for the defensive weapons, spear and shield combination, collectively contradictory, by means of the unity of the development of things.

<Wikipedia> Information:
The spear is a long-handled weapon used for stabbing, with beryllium (head end with stems handle), guns, lance is almost the same long-handled weapons, but there are also saying spear and gun, beryllium type on the difference , Such as spear and gun difference in the head-end style, spear and beryllium difference in the handle of the way.
The name of the spear earlier, since the Shang Dynasty began to use, beryllium appeared in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and guns, lance to the Han Dynasty began to use, after the Sui and Tang Dynasties spear called guns. China's history to the spear of the long-handled weapons to the longest to 5,6 meters, the gun to call the long-handled weapons are most often made to 8 meters in length.

"Zhou Kao Gong Ji" on the record, to the infantry use of the spear called the emperor, to the use of the garrison spear called spear.

