
解码汉字72 "璧"是祭天的礼器 72 "Bi" is the ritual of the ritual

72  ""是祭天的礼器     
 () a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its centre


72 "Bi" is the ritual of the ritual

The bones of the bones are a shape of a jade ornament with round objects. "Said the text" Note: "Rui Yu Yuan also from the jade, the provision of sound." Bi refers to the jade bi, refers to the United States and jade.
A round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center

<Wikipedia> Information: Bi is the ancient Chinese for the worship of the jade ring, where the radius is three times the radius of the ring of jade called the bi. "Elegant" cloud: "meat times that the bi, good times that the child, the meat is a good ring.", The so-called meat is the edge, good refers to the hole. In fact this proportion is only ideal, the actual unearthed jade rarely meet this proportion.
In the jade, the bi is used for the jade of the day, "Zhou Chun official big master" records "to jade for six, to heaven and earth to the Quartet: to Cangbi ceremony to Huang Cong Li, to Green Gui Li The east, with the red barren south to the white ritual of the west, with the emperor of the emperor.
Yu Bi first appeared in the Neolithic Age, archaeological discovery of the earliest jade bi is in Hongshan culture, Liangzhu culture also unearthed jade bi. Yu Bi in the Shang and Zhou period more prosperous, after the Han Dynasty gradually decline.
Yu Bi in addition to as a ritual, or a symbol of power, used for wear and tombs.
The shape of the jade bike is usually round, but there are out of the bi, that is, in the circular contour carved with dragon-shaped or other shapes of the button. Yu Bi's lines are mainly Pan Chi pattern, Pan Xi Su line, hook cloud lines, Gu grain, Pu pattern, dragon and phoenix pattern, animal pattern and so on.

