
解码汉字69 “豐(丰)”是指祭祀之礼物丰盛。 69 "Feng (abundance)" refers to the rich gift of worship.

69  “豐(丰)是指祭祀之礼物丰盛。     


 [] () ① plentiful ② great ③ fine-looking

69 "Feng (abundance)" refers to the rich gift of worship.

"Feng" to beans (sacrifice device), concave basin, two strings of jade three symbols, said the sacrifice of the grand.

Abundance of bone-like objects in the shape of jade-like containers, another image of bean-shaped utensils filled with the shape of the meat, that ritual gift rich. ("Said the text" Note: "beans full of people also.") "Feng (abundance)" the original meaning of rich, rich. Extension refers to the lush vegetation, tall, but also refers to the body Feng Wei, good attitude and so on. As a noun

Feng [Feng] (shape) ① plentiful ② great ③ fine-looking

