
解码汉字55 “鉋”是鲁班发明的。 55 "planing" is Luban invented.

55 “是鲁班发明的。

[]   刨是形声字。手(金)为形符;包为声符。刨指用于平刨木头或金属之工具。作动词,指刨平。作名词,指刨花、刨冰等。
 []Ⅰ() plane sth down, planeⅡ() plane, planer, planning machine

         刨的发明始于鲁班。 鲁班在长期的木工实践中,需要经常与木头打交道,发现了许多可以进行改进的技术问题。如怎样才能使木板既平整又光滑,在鲁班之前,这个问题并没有得到很好的解决,影响了木工技术的进一步提高,鲁班根据工作需要,经过反复多次试验,鲁班给斧头加块铁片,装上木座,制出世界上首把刨子。有了这种工具,就可以把不平的木头刨平,把不光滑的木料创光滑了,对提高水工技艺很有帮助。其他如钻(打孔的器具)、铲、凿于、墨斗(木工画线用的)和曲尺等,传说都是鲁班发明的。其中曲尺,后人称之为鲁班尺,是木工用以求直角的,直至今人仍为木工所使用。鲁班发明的这些木工工具在当时有很大影响,它使许多木工工匠从比较繁重的手工劳动中解放出来,并且成倍地提高了劳动生产率;同时使木工技术的很多方面可以凭借比较简单的工具提高工艺水平和质量。
    鲁班在木工工具的发明创造上,得到家人各方面的支持和帮助,尤其是他的母亲和妻子对他的帮助更大。例如,鲁班在做木工活、用墨斗放线的时候,都是由他的母亲拉住墨线的一端,他自己拉住另一端,以便弹墨放线。这样每次放墨斗线都需要他母亲帮忙,很不方便,鲁班也觉得有必要想出一个办法解决这个问题。后来经过他在生面,使木工技术的很多方面可以凭借比较简单的工具提高工艺水平和质量。 鲁班在木工工具的发明创造上,得到家人各方面的支持和帮助,尤其是他的母亲和妻子对他的帮助更大。例如,鲁班在做木工活、用墨斗放线的时候,都是由他的母亲拉住产实践中不断探索、反复试验,鲁班设计了一个小弯钩,拴在木头的一端,这样放线的时候就可以用这个小弯钩钩住木头的一端,以代替原来的手工操作,只需一个人就行了。从此以后,弹墨线就不用再让母亲帮忙。后来木工就把这个小弯钩称为班母,以纪念他的母亲对他的帮助。又如,刨木料时顶住木料的卡口,人们称之为班妻。据说这是因为鲁班以前刨木料时候,都是由他妻子扶着木料,后来他发明了卡口,才不用他妻子帮忙了。 

55 "planing" is Luban invented.

Planing is the shape of the word. Hand (gold) for the character; package for the character. A tool used for planing wood or metal. As a verb. As a noun, refers to shavings, shaved ice and so on.
Planing, planing, planing, planning machine, planing, planning machine

"Loban, small country (now Tengzhou City, Shandong Province) people, was known as the originator of the construction industry. Luban's achievements not only in the construction industry, but also in the aerospace industry, he invented the kite, is the first person to conquer space; in military science, Luban invented the ladder (heavy weapons), hook huge (people are still using ) And other siege weapons, is a great military scientist; in mechanical terms, Luban has long been known as mechanical saints; In addition, there are many civilian, craft and other aspects of the achievements. Luban is China's well-deserved father of science and technology inventions. Luban: born about Zhou Jing Wang thirteen years (507 BC), died in Zhou Zhen Ding twenty years (444 BC). Ji Lu, class, the name of public transport, public transport, class shift, known as public transport, also known as Luban (Lu like), he is an outstanding inventor of ancient China. For more than two thousand years, his name and his story have been circulating among the broad masses of the people. Our country's civil craftsmen have called him the founder.
         The invention of the plane began in Luban. Luban in the long-term carpentry practice, the need to deal with wood often, found a lot of technical problems can be improved. How to make the board is both smooth and smooth, before the Luban, the problem has not been a very good solution, affecting the further improvement of woodworking technology, Luban according to work needs, after repeated tests, Luban to "ax" plus block Iron, loaded wooden seat, made the world's first plane. With this tool, you can plan the uneven wood, the smooth wood is not smooth, and improve the technical skills to help. Others such as drilling (perforated equipment), shovel, chisel, ink fountain (woodworking line with) and song, etc., the legend is Luban invented. The song, the descendants called Luban foot, is the carpenter to the right angle, until now people are still used by woodworkers. The woodworking tools invented by Luban had a great impact at the time, which freed many carpenters from the more arduous manual labor and doubled the productivity of labor. At the same time, many aspects of woodworking could be done with relatively simple tools Improve the level and quality of the process.
    Luban in the woodworking tools to create the invention, get all aspects of family support and help, especially his mother and wife to help him more. For example, when Luban was working as a carpenter, he was pulling one end of his ink line by his mother, and he pulled himself to the other end in order to drop the ink. So every time you put the ink line need his mother to help, very convenient, Luban also feel the need to come up with a way to solve this problem. And later through his life, so that many aspects of woodworking technology can be relatively simple tools to improve the level of technology and quality. Luban in the woodworking tools to create the invention, get all aspects of family support and help, especially his mother and wife to help him more. For example, Luban in the do woodworking, with ink bucket when the line, by his mother pulled the practice of continuous exploration, repeated tests, Luban designed a small hook, tied to the end of the wood, so the line Time you can use this small hook hooked the end of the wood to replace the original manual operation, just a person on the line. Since then, the ink line will not have to let the mother help. Later, carpentry put this little hook called "class mother" to commemorate his mother to his help. Another example, the wood when the wood to withstand the bayonet, people call it "class wife". It is said that this is because Luban before the wooding time, are by his wife leaning on the wood, then he invented the bayonet, not his wife to help.

