
解码汉字33 “算”字的出现,表明当时已使用算盘(计算器具)。 33 The occurrence of the word "count" indicates that an abacus (computing device) was used at that time.

33  “字的出现,表明当时已使用算盘(计算器具)。


Ⅰ() ① calculate ② include; count ③ plan; calculate ④ consider; regard as; count as ⑤ carry weight; count ⑥let it pass Ⅱ() at long last; finally


誰知,孔子理財並不得心應手,每天回家都要長嗟短歎一番。孔子夫人見丈夫面有憂色,就問 : 「你有什麼心思 」孔子嘆了一口氣,說 「國君派我理財,想不到賬目零亂,算不清楚。」孔夫人聽了,勸道 「你不是常說做事要細心嗎 我看,還是耐心幹下去吧 
再說魯國的國君,自從派孔子理財後,不知帳目算得如何,就派了一個叫子貢的小臣去查帳,子貢到孔子屋裡一看,見孔子在撥弄珠子,就回國君說 「孔丘 孔子的名 沒算賬,在撥弄珠子作樂。」國君大怒,命孔子把帳目拿來。一看,帳目清清楚楚。他十分驚異,便問孔子是怎麼算的。孔子便把用珠子算的事說了一篇。國君聽後,大為稱讚,子貢也當場拜孔子為師。以後,有人根據這道理,發明了算盤,把孔子當作發明算盤的祖師。


33 The occurrence of the word "count" indicates that an abacus (computing device) was used at that time.

① ① Oracle as a second-hand holding in a cage to calculate the shape of the calculation. Seal the operator's word, is a bamboo-shaped character, the following to the hands holding, indicating that in the Qin Dynasty before the invention of the abacus. "Said the text" Note: "The number also from the bamboo, from the." Is a device, of course, is abacus, and is made of bamboo for the material, the count is counting, calculation. The number of unknowns is derived mathematically from the known number. Extended plan, plan, speculate, recognize as, and so on. ② "Shuowen" Note: "祘, Ming as to count it from the two shows," 祘 that is calculated, clearly and simply looked at the calculated. (Noun) noun Similar terms for.

Count as ⑤ carry weight; count ⑥let it pass Ⅱ (副) at long last; finally count

It is said that the abacus was invented by the Ming Dynasty. See the "Qingming River" have abacus, that is the Song Dynasty. Some think in the Tang Dynasty. According to the text "operator" appears, can prove very likely in the Spring and Autumn Period. The following story, also put it reasonable:

The Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius. One year, the country's monarch Lu to select a financial person for the court, a minister recommended Confucius.
Who knows, Confucius financial management is not handy, every day home to long sigh some sigh. Confucius sighed and said, "The monarch sent me money to manage, and I can not think of a mess in my account." Mrs. Kong listened and advised, "I am afraid I can not understand what I mean." Do not you always say that you need to be careful? Do I still have to be patient?
But the old account is not good, the new account again, the more accounts under the plot, Confucius's mind the more heavy. In fact, the account is only the problem of reduction, so Mrs. Kong suggested that he use a thin rope, put a few beads, income plus a few beads, used to take a few beads.
Confucius later developed to a ten to a hundred, a record of one hundred to one thousand, each rope to wear ten beads, beads with a daily account, both simple and convenient.
Say Lu monarch, since the distribution of Confucius financial management, I do not know how the accounts be considered to send a sub-tribute to the small minister to check accounts, sub-tribute to the Confucius room to see, see Confucius in fiddle with beads, The monarch said: "Confucius (the name of Confucius) did not reckon, in the fiddle with beads." The monarch was furious, ordered Confucius to bring the accounts. A look, accounts clear. He was very surprised, they asked Confucius how to count. Confucius put the beads count things that one. After hearing the monarch, greatly praised, Zigong also on the spot thanks to Confucius as a teacher. Later, someone based on this reason, invented the abacus, the founder of Confucius as the abacus.

Seal of the "operator" word, it should also be a proof, right?

