
《汉字解码学》95 "砲"与"炮"的区别和发展. 95 The Difference and Development between "砲" and "Gun".

95  "砲"与"炮"的区别和发展.

   炮是形声会意字。火为形符;包为声符。繁体字是石马交三字合组为礮,古代“礮”指抛石机,后来才指火炮。炮为战争中机械发射火药、弹丸之装置。也指炸药爆破之装置,借指爆竹、烟花。 炮  [ 砲、礮 ] ( 名 ) ①  cannon; artillery piece ②  firecracker







95  The Difference and Development between "砲" and "Gun".

Artillery is the word knowing the word. Fire for the character; package for the sound symbol. The traditional character is the stone horse to pay three words combined group for the ancient, "礮" refers to the stone throwing machine, later refers to the artillery. A device for the mechanical firing of gunpowder or projectile in war. Also refers to the explosive blasting device, by means of firecrackers, fireworks. Cannon; artillery piece ② firecracker

"Stone gun" to "artillery"
China is the hometown of artillery, modern artillery is from the ancient Chinese invention of stone throwing machine development. Stone throwing stone machine also called fat. Its structure is very simple, in a wooden frame to do a horizontal axis, and in the axis and the horizontal axis interspersed with a long pole, the rod end of a stone with a stone nest, the other end of dozens or More than 100 rope. When used, the stones into the skin nest, the order, the crowd Zira rope, leather nest stone will fly to throw.

Stone throwing machine was first used in the war is 770 BC ~ 476 BC, the Spring and Autumn Period. According to the "Three Kingdoms Wei Shu" records, AD 200 years of the official crossing of the war, Cao Cao had used a stone throwing machine to break the camp of Yuan Shao, to victory. Han to Tang period, although the use of stone throwing machine in the war gradually increased, but the scale is generally small. The Tang Dynasty, rubble machine bigger and bigger, and some need one or two hundred people rope, to throw the stone, each stone can kill several people.

In the 8th century, the invention of gunpowder made a qualitative leap in the development of the throwing stone machine. In the 10th century, gunpowder began to be used in the military, the stone throwing machine from throwing stone into a throwing fireball. Fireball also known as gunpowder. As a result, the earliest artillery appeared.

The Song Dynasty was the most prosperous period of ancient artillery development in China. In the thirties of the 12th century, there was a tube-shaped injector-gun with giant bamboo. The fifteenth century, the fifties, there has been a bamboo tube shooting firearms - sudden guns. 1234, the Yuan army attacked the song are Bianliang, had used hundreds of artillery, day and night to the city launch, the shot shells almost filled the city. 1275, the Song and Yuan Dynasties war in the Yangtze River line, Yuan army gun scene is truly spectacular, "gun sound shock hundred miles," Song fiasco. The Northern Song Dynasty Renzong period compilation of "Wu Jing total" can be said that China's ancient first "ancient artillery". The book all over the history of good siege weapons, which compiled a dozen kinds of ancient artillery, with artillery graphics.

According to research, China's oldest artillery than Europe's oldest artillery in the early half a century. China's gunpowder and artillery technology into the West, the rapid development of Western weapons, gun manufacturing technology catch up with China.

