
《汉字解码学》64 “瑟”是形制最长的古老弹拨乐器。 "Joseph" is one of the old plucked instruments.

64  “瑟”是形制最长的古老弹拨乐器。
瑟  金文瑟是会意字。上像瑟的弦柱及弦,下像凹形的琴板(后演变为必字)。【說文】庖犧氏所作弦樂也。
【樂書】朱襄氏使士達制五絃之瑟,後瞽瞍判五絃瑟爲十五絃,復增以八爲二十三。又【禮圖】雅瑟八尺一寸,廣一尺八寸,二十三絃,其常用者十九絃,頌瑟七尺二寸,廣同,二十五絃盡用。 (摘自汉语大字典)
瑟  (名)Joseph

瑟长120~170厘米(47~67英寸)不等,有雅、颂、大、小之别。雅瑟二十三弦、颂瑟二十五弦、大瑟二十七弦、小瑟有十五弦。[1] 相传古代的瑟有50弦。

64 "Joseph" is one of the old plucked instruments.
Sergin Wenser is knowing the word. On the strings and strings like Joseph, like a concave under the Qin board (later evolved into the word). Shu Wen said】 【sacrifice of the string also.
Music Book】 【Zhu Xiang Shi Shida system of five strings of Joseph, after the five-stringed Joseph sentenced to five strings for the string, complex to eight to twenty-three. And [courtesy] Yase eight feet an inch wide one foot eight-inch, twenty-three strings, the use of the nineteen strings, Song Se seven feet two inches wide with twenty-five strings to make use. (From the Chinese Dictionary)

"Interactive Encyclopedia" Introduction: Joseph shaped supine hollow rectangle, surface micro-uplift. Qin box is generally made of wood, under the floor. Sometimes the piano box side and bottom of a sound hole. On the surface of the piano case, the first section has a long "mountain" (to harden the strings), the end has three short mountain and four, used to fix the strings. General Joseph has 25 silk string, parallel to the body arrangement. Each string has a movable column (also known as the code, wild goose columns), used to tune.
Joseph long 120 to 170 cm (47 to 67 inches) range, there are elegant, Chung, big and small. Yasser twenty-three strings, Song Se twenty-five strings, big seventeen strings, small Joseph has fifteen strings. [1] Legend has it that ancient Joseph has 50 strings.
Joseph's sound quality, treble crisp, tenor bright, bass vigorous. Its five-tone range can cover five octaves. Can be solo or ensemble, or used to accompaniment singing. Ancient times often with the guqin or Sheng ensemble. Players generally will be placed in front of the knee Joseph, left and right hand with the play.

