
《汉字解码学》58 “钟”是礼器,也是乐器 58 "bell" is a ritual, but also musical instruments.

58  “钟”是礼器,也是乐器。

钟  [ 鐘 ] ( 名 )  ①  bell  ②  clock  ③  time as measured in hours and minute


58 "bell" is a ritual, but also musical instruments.

Bell is the phonetic word. Gold for the character; Tong for the sound. From the gold, children's voice. "" Bell or from Ningbo. "Bell is a metal-made percussion instruments, hanging in the frame, mouth down. Bell for the sound of gold, for the voice of the autumnal equinox. When the Yellow Emperor when the division to create the clock. 1997, Hubei "Zeng Houyi" tomb unearthed a weight of more than 4400 kilograms (without bell), a total of sixty-five giant bells. Proved as early as the Warring States period, China has a complete tone, overturned the "seven-tone scale came from Europe," the argument.
Han Buddhism spread to China, the Buddha appeared around the clock. Modern industry flourished, the popularity of the clock.
 Clock [clock] (名) ① bell ② clock ③ time as measured in hours and minute

On the ancient musical instruments, in the tomb of Zeng has a surprising excavation. The tomb of the East Chamber has a piano (ten strings), zither, a five-string, se five, Sheng two pieces and a drum. Along the north wall put a series of chimes, placed by the southeast corner of the huge drum. In addition, there are two pieces, two rows of Xiao, Joseph seven and drums and so on. One of the most brilliant, called the "treasure of the country", to a large number of musical instruments - bells.
A total of sixty-five chimes, all bronze casting, beautifully produced. Bell-shaped frame was curved, copper wood structure. Bell in the clock on the sub-frame, in the lower three. Upper bell nineteen, the lower bell is the main part of the bell, divided into three groups, these three bell-shaped system. The second set known as the "win division (sound s)" by the twelve short milk bell clock composition; the third set of known as the "bell" Revealed Bell ", composed of twenty-three long milk bell.
Each body is engraved on the body of the wrong inscriptions on the body, the front part of the Zheng are engraved "Zeng Houyi B" (Zeng Houyi). It is the body of the inscription, the basic scale is about the five names with eight changes in the name of the name; percussion on the clock, the side can be played out, down two tones. Zeng Guo other five are increased inscriptions, Zeng Guo and Jin, Chu and other countries of the corresponding name of the law and so on. These inscriptions are extremely valuable materials for studying ancient Chinese music.
The total range of Zeng Houyi's bells is five octaves, slightly inferior to the modern piano. The midrange occupies about three octaves, and because of the chimes whose structure is roughly the same, three overlapping parts are formed, almost twelve full semitones can be played, five, six or seven Sound stage music works.
According to the study of modern scholars, suppose, this set of bells should be played by the three musicians, holding the T-shaped mallet, respectively, hit the middle three groups of bells played the main melody, and two musicians, Lower bass Yong bell, as the harmony.
Unearthed from the bells of the tomb of Zeng Houyi, the archaeological world of the world was shocked by the fact that there were such exquisite musical instruments as they were two thousand years ago. Such magnificent bands are extremely rare in the history of world culture. It is the crystallization of ancient Chinese people's wisdom, and also the pride of our Chinese nation, which is the result of the great achievement of bronze casting process in our country and shows the development of ancient Chinese temperament science. (Source Baidu network)

