
20 "密"字有多种解释,我以为与"心"的关系最密切. 20 There are many interpretations of the word ""Chinese decoding song" 20 "secret" word song", which I think is most closely related to "mind."

20  "密"字有多种解释,我以为与"心"的关系最密切.(不同解释,均应保留).
 ()  dense; close; thick  close; intimate  meticulous  secret

20  There are many interpretations of the word "secret"
    "secret"  which I think is most closely related to "mind." (Different interpretations should be retained).

Dense like a bone placed in the shape of the room. Next to a few points, that more and more dense also. "Said the text" Note: "Hill, such as Church who." I think that with the "heart" the most closely, the heart plus a write is close, a write with keep secrets.Miss and "sparse" relative. Extended meticulous, fine, hidden, not open, the relationship between pro, deep feelings.

Close; thick ② close; intimate ③ meticulous ④ secret

