
18 "心",甲骨文像心脏之形 "heart", oracle bone shaped like the heart.

18  "心",甲骨文像心脏之形。是人的心脏,又指人的意识.它有两重含义:一指心的本体,就是说心是心脏,作为哺乳动物,从受精卵发育出来的第一个器官,心脏是伴随着生命开始和结束的整个过程的唯一器官,二指心脏是一个接收外界信息,继而做出相应的意识调整,发的最重要器官,这就是心的意识功能.
 ()  the heart  mind; feeling; intention  centre; core; middle

18 "heart", oracle bone shaped like the heart. The heart is the human heart, and the human consciousness .It has two meanings: one refers to the body, that the heart is the heart, as a mammal, from the fertilized egg developed the first organ, the heart is accompanied by life The beginning and the end of the whole process of the only organ, two refers to the heart is to receive outside information, and then make the appropriate awareness of the adjustment, the most important organ, which is the heart of the sense of function.
Heart oracle bone shaped like the heart. "Said the text" Note: "heart. In the body. Pictograms." Mencius "said: heart of the official thinking." Heart refers to the heart. In Chinese medicine also refers to the brain. Extended ideas, feelings, heart. By means of the central or internal things.

心 (名) ① the heart ② mind; feeling; intention ③ center; core; middle

