
28 "忧"是会意字。页表示人之面部,心表示心理活动,攵表示行不顺利 28 "worry" is knowing the word. A page indicates a person's face, a heart indicates a mental activity, and a line indicates that the line does not go well.

28  "忧"是会意字。页表示人之面部,心表示心理活动,攵表示行不顺利。

   忧是会意字。页表示人之面部。心表示心理活动,攵表示行不顺利。会意行不顺而忧愁。《说文》注:“愁也。从心,从页。”徐锴注:“忧,形于颜面,故从页。”忧义为忧愁。引申忧伤、忧郁、忧虑、忧患等。父母丧事,称丁忧(丁忧,原指遇到父母或祖父母等直系尊长等丧事,后多指官员居丧。丁忧源于汉代,至宋代则由太常主其事。“丁”是遭逢、遇到的意思。 古代,遇父母去世,子女须服三年丧期)。 
 []() worry () sorrow; anxiety

28 "worry" is knowing the word. A page indicates a person's face, a heart indicates a mental activity, and a line indicates that the line does not go well.

Worry is knowing the word. The page represents the person's face. Heart that mental activity, 攵 that line is not smooth. Knowing the line will not ring true and sad. From the heart, from the page. "Xu Kai Note:" worry, shape in the face, so from the page. "Uprising for sorrow. Extended sorrow, depression, anxiety, worry and so on. Parents funeral, said Ding worry (Ding worry, the original refers to the parents or grandparents and other direct descendants of the funeral, after more than official life .Since the source of the Han Dynasty, to the Song Dynasty by too often the main thing. In ancient times, in the event of the death of their parents, children shall serve three years of mourning period).

Worry [worry] I (move) worry Ⅱ (name) sorrow; anxiety

