
7 "信",人以口说为信,它是通过人类语言所传递的各种信息 "Letter", people say for the letter.

7  "信",人以口说为信。汉语是8000多年来流传于世间的密码文字体系,是一种拥有固定的标准发音与多种不同方言并存的大语言体系,每一个字与每一组词的确定,都有比较完整的定义,而且长期不变,表现出通过人类语言所传递的各种信息。
()  letter  message; information  trust; confidence () believe; trust

7 "Letter", people say for the letter. Chinese is a system of cryptography that has been circulating for more than 8,000 years. It is a large language system with fixed standard pronunciation and many different dialects coexisting. Each word and each group of words have a relatively complete definition, and Long-term change, showing the human language through the transmission of a variety of information.
Letter left for the human form of the Oracle, right for one, knowing that people say for the letter. The letter for the faithful, that is sincere, not hypocritical, true words, indeed. Extended belief, faith, credentials, news, letters, information and so on.
Letter I (name) ① letter ② message; information ③ trust; confidence Ⅱ (move) believe; trust

