
15 "笑"是象形字。象人身体偏侧(前鞠后仰)、眉开眼笑之形 "Laughter" is a pictograph. As the human side of the body side (before the Ju back), the shape of a smile.

15 "笑"是象形字。象人身体偏侧(前鞠后仰)、眉开眼笑之形。
   笑是象形字。象人体夭曲、眉开眼笑之形。李阳冰刊定《说文》注: “从竹,从夭。义云:竹得风,其体夭曲如人之笑。未知其审。”《字林》称:“笑,喜也。从竹,从夭。竹为乐器,君子乐然后笑。”笑义为喜笑,即指露出喜悦之表情,又指发出高兴之声音。引申欢笑、啼笑、讥笑、嘲笑、苦笑、耻笑等。具体说,笑是一种心理状态的表达。一般情况下笑更多的用来表达高兴和快乐,由脸部肌肉动作为表现方式。它大都是由于人体感官接触外界的事物或语言,转变为信息传入大脑皮层,而后通过大脑对脸部甚至全身的肌肉发出运动的命令而产生的。笑有时不仅会使肌肉发生运动,声带也会随之振动,由此产生笑声。
 [] ()  smile; laugh  laugh at; ridicule

15 "Laughter" is a pictograph. As the human side of the body side (before the Ju back), the shape of a smile.
Smile is a pictographic word. As the human body Yaqu, eyebrows smile shape. Li Yung-bing published the "said text" Note: "From bamboo, from yao." Meaning: Bamboo was wind, the body of the song as a person laugh. Unknown the trial. "" The word forest, "said: Bamboo, from the yao bamboo for the instrument, gentleman and then laugh. "Laughter for the laughter, that means revealing the joy of expression, but also refers to the issue of happy voice. Extended laughter, sneer, ridicule, ridicule, smile, ridicule and so on. Specifically, laughter is a psychological state of expression. In general, laughter is more expressive of pleasure and pleasure, and is expressed by facial muscle movements. It is mostly because the human body senses contact with the outside world of things or language, into the information into the cerebral cortex, and then through the brain on the face or even the muscles of the body issued a command movement. Laughing sometimes causes not only muscle movement, vocal cords will be followed by vibration, resulting in laughter.

Laugh [aki] (动) ① smile; laugh ② laugh at; ridicule

