
14 "哭"是由人\眼\点三部乏分组成的会意字 "cry" is composed of people \ eyes \ point three parts of the knowing word.

14  "哭"是由人\眼\点三部分组成的会意字.,是人类生理情绪的一种表达或表露,亦是人类表达、宣泄情感的一种方式。哭一般定义为由于痛苦或激动而流泪出声。亦有研究指出除人以外的其他哺乳类动物也会哭,如狗和猫。
 () cry; weep; sob

14 "cry" is composed of people \ eyes \ point three parts of the knowing word. which is also a way of human expression and catharsis of emotions. Crying is defined as crying out of pain as a result of pain or agitation. Other studies have suggested that mammals other than humans may cry, such as dogs and cats.
Crying like a child crying oracle bone shape, the head of the human body has three hair, two eyes wide open, said the child crying. "Said the text" Note for the pictophonetic word: "crying sound from the two, the prison province of sound." "Prison" provincial interpretation of sound, it seems some far-fetched, it was added the following characters, mistakenly think dogs cry. Is composed of people \ eyes \ point of the three sub-composed of knowing the word. Cry for the cry of sorrow, also known as crying.

Cry (verb) cry; weep; sob

