
<中文解码歌>79 "撑"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 79 "support" word song

<中文解码歌>79  "撑"字歌

手是形, 尚是声,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 下午

 "Chinese decoding song" 79
    "support" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Hand is shaped, 尚 is still sound,
Open the palm of a support.
Hard ferry by Penny,
Pole pole high jump like flying.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 pm
      Eighty-year-old for

79 "撑",撑是形声字。手(牙)为形符;尚为声符。义为支撑. 79 "support", support is the phonetic word. Hand (tooth) for the character; is still a symbol. Meaning for the support.

79  "撑",撑是形声字。手(牙)为形符;尚为声符。义为支撑.
撑(撐) ()  support; prop up  maintain; keep up  punt with a pole  open  overfill

79 "support", support is the phonetic word. Hand (tooth) for the character; is still a symbol. Meaning for the support.
Support is a phonetic word. Hand (tooth) for the character; is still a symbol. "Said the text" refers to the use of foot support. Support for the support of justice, against the live. Extended to open, filled.

(1) support (prop) (sustain) ① support; prop up ② maintain; keep up ③ punt with a pole ④ open ⑤ overfill

<中文解码歌>78 "夺"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 78 "take by force" word song

<中文解码歌>78  "夺"字歌

上是鸟, 展翅飞,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 下午

 "Chinese decoding song" 78
    "take by force" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

On the bird, fly wings,
Under the hand like bird is short-tailed bird,
take by force bully people,
Won the gold medal Return home.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 pm
      Eighty-year-old for

78 "夺",篆书象鸟儿从手中挣脱逃走之形。 7 "Seize", Seal as a bird escape from the hands of the escape shape.

78  "夺",篆书象鸟儿从手中挣脱逃走之形
 [] ()  take by force; wrest; seize  strive forwin  force ones way  contend for  deprive

78  "Seize", Seal as a bird escape from the hands of the escape shape.
Seize is knowing the word. Seal as a bird from the hands of escape escape the shape. "Said the text" Note: "hand-held short-tailed bird (bird), the loss is also from the (hand), from the big short-tailed bird." Wins justice for the bird from the hands of the break away. Also refers to the strong to obtain, strong capture. Extended the decision.

Seize ② win for (win) ① (take action) ① take by force; wrest; seize ② strive for; win ③ force one's way ④ contend for ⑤ deprive

<中文解码歌>77 "启"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 77 "open" word song

<中文解码歌>77  "启"字歌

户是门, 也是窗,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 下午

 "Chinese decoding song" 77
    "open" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Households are doors, windows,
Push open in the side.
Open speak is called "Kai mouth"
Clouds of fog emerge from the sun

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 pm
      Eighty-year-old for

77 "启",甲骨文象以手打开窗户之形,上有阳光照射。 "Kai", Oracle as a hand to open the window of the shape, there is sunlight.

77  "启",甲骨文象以手打开窗户之形,上有阳光照射。
   甲骨文象以手打开窗户之形,上有阳光照射。《说文》有二注:“(1)教也。孟子曰:不愤不启。” 启义启发。(2)“开也。从户,从口。”启义为开,打开。引申开导、启蒙、开始、陈述、报告等。
 [啓、唘] ()  awaken start; initiate  open  state,inform

77 "", Oracle as a hand to open the window of the shape, there is sunlight.
Kai-bone as a hand to open the window of the shape, with sunlight. "Said the text," there are two notes: "(1) to teach. Mencius said: not anger does not Kai. (2) "open also from the household, from the mouth." Kai-yi to open, open. Enlightenment, initiation, presentation, reporting, etc.
Open [啓、唘] ( awaken start; initiate  open  state,inform

<中文解码歌>76 "摇"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 76 "shake" word song

<中文解码歌>76  "摇"字歌

爪触缶, 缶会摇,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 下午

 "Chinese decoding song" 76
    "shake" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Claw touch 缶Fou, 缶Fou will shake,
Coupled with the handle high amplitude.
English earthquake called "shake",

Shake \ shake \ shake to the grandmother bridge.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 pm
      Eighty-year-old for

76 "摇",爪着缶,缶会摇,再加提手更形象。 "shake" claws with Fou, Fou will shake, plus the handle more image.

76  "摇",爪触缶,缶会摇,再加提手更形象
 () shake; wave

76 "shake" claws with 缶Fou, 缶Fou will shake, plus the handle more image.
Shaking is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Claws of the Fou, Fou will shake, plus the handle more image. "Said the text" Note: "move also from the hand, Yao sound" shake-yi for the swing, shaking.


<中文解码歌>75 "扫"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 75 "Sweep" word song

<中文解码歌>75  "扫"字歌

要扫地, 手持帚,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 75
    "Sweep" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

To sweep the floor, holding a broom,
Sprinkle the house to remove dirt.
Qingming grave ancestors,
Sweep the nest to catch the first thief.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 am
      Eighty-year-old for

75 "扫",甲骨文象持帚扫地之形,意指扫除。 75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.

75  "扫",甲骨文象持帚扫地之形,意指扫除。
 [] ()  sweep; clear away  pass quickly along or over; sweep75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.

75 "sweep", Oracle like a broom sweeping the shape, means to remove.
Sweeper bone like a broom sweeping the shape. "Said the text" Note: "abandoned also from the soil, from the broom. Extended to eliminate, scan, do, all and so on.
Sweep [sweep] (动) ① sweep; clear away ② pass quickly along or over; sweep
<中文解码歌>74  "戒"字歌

用双手, 来持戈,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 74
    "Guard" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

With both hands, to hold Ge,
Guard the enemy against disaster.
Guard tightly called "martial law"

Buddhist commandments and more strict.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 am
      Eighty-year-old for

74 "戒", 甲骨文象两手持戈警戒之形,会意戒备。 "quit", Oracle as a two-armed Ge-alert form, knowing the alert.

74  "戒", 甲骨文象两手持戈警戒之形,会意戒备。
()  guard against  exhort; admonish; warn  give up; drop; stop ()  Buddhism monastic discipline  (finger) ring

74 "quit", Oracle as a two-armed Ge-alert form, knowing the alert.
Skeletal bone like a two-armed Ge-alert form. "Said the text": "police also from a total, holding Ge, in order to avoid Yu." Ring for the police, preparedness, alert. Extended exterminated, get rid of. Buddhism will ring as a criterion, that should be removed from the matter.

(1) (1) (1) Buddhism monastic discipline ② (finger) ring

<中文解码歌>73 "获"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 73 "capture" word song

<中文解码歌>73  "获"字歌

手捉鸟, 称捕获,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 73
    "capture" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Hand-catching birds, said the capture,
Dogs \ hand sharing the birds to catch.
Extended meaning is to get,
Grain return is called harvest.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 am
      Eighty-year-old for

73 "获",甲骨文象以手抓获小鸟之形,表示捕获. " capture", Oracle as a bird captured the shape of the hand, that capture.

73  "获",甲骨文象以手抓获小鸟之形,表示捕获.
 [獲、穫] ()  capture; catch  obtain; win; reap  get in; harvest 

73 " capture", Oracle as a bird captured the shape of the hand, that capture.
Obtained by the hand like a bird by hand. "Shuowen" Note: "hunting is also from the dog, 蒦 sound." Is a hunter from the beast of animals and beasts. This means to capture, capture. Extended to get, harvest.

 [獲、穫] ( capture; catch  obtain; win; reap  get in; harvest 

<中文解码歌>72 "讨"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 72 " denounce" word song

<中文解码歌>72  "讨"字歌

寸是手, 言是声,

汪 岚 2016 12 1 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 72
    " denounce" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Inch is the hand, words are sound,
Vocal opposition to the enemy.
Crusade against rebellion, said governance,
Discussion \ ask the teacher to be flat.

Wang Lan 2016 12 1 am

       Eighty-year-old for

72 "讨"是会意字。以言、寸表示讨伐或声讨。 "discuss" is knowing the word. To words, inches that crusade or denounce.

72  "讨"是会意字。以言、寸表示讨伐或声讨。
 [] ()  send a punitive expedition against  denounce; condemn  demand; ask for; beg for  incur; invite  discuss; study

72 "discuss" is knowing the word. To words, inches that crusade or denounce.
Discussion is knowing the word. To words, inches that crusade or denounce. "Said the text" Note: "Governance also from the words, from inch." Discuss justice for the crusade \ remediation. Request, request, cause, provoke, meet the poly and so on. Sent troops to attack, said the crusade.

Ask [] (move) ① send a punitive expedition against ② denounce; condemn ③ demand; ask for; beg for ④ incur; invite ⑤ discuss; study


<中文解码歌>71 "举"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 71 "lift " word song

<中文解码歌>71  "举"字歌

下是手, 上是与,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 下午

 "Chinese decoding song" 71
    "lift " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Under the hand, the above is with,
Multi-hand care objects upwards.
Give a decisive solution to the password,
Examples are given.

汪 岚 2016 11 30  Afternoon

       Eighty-year-old for

71 "举"象多手共托一物向上高举之形。 71 "lift" like a hand holding a total of a lift up the shape.

71  "举"象多手共托一物向上高举之形。
 [舉、擧]()  lift; raise; hold up  start  elect; choose  cite; enumerate () whole; entire () act; deed

71 "lift" like a hand holding a total of a lift up the shape.
Is a knowing word. Like a total of one hand on a move raised the shape. "Said the text" Note: "The move also from the hand, and the sound." Extended, launched, elected, elected, revealed. Because of the move and view the overall situation, it is extended to all, the whole. Move again for action, behavioral solution.

Cite; enumerate Ⅱ (shape) whole; whole Ⅲ (name) act; deed

<中文解码歌>70 "与"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 70 "and " word song

<中文解码歌>70  "与"字歌

四只手, 持一物,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 70
    "and " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Four hands, holding a thing,
Form "and" word table connection.
Composed of national and social,
Both "and" to "or".

汪 岚 2016 11 30 Afternoon

       Eighty-year-old for

70 "与"义为相互关连,也指给予. "and" for the interrelated, also refers to give.

70   "与"义为相互关连,也指给予.
   与是会意字。象两人四只手共持一物 ,相互连接之形.许慎认为是给予之形.《说文》注:“赐予也。一勺为与。”与义为赐与。作介词,引进动作行为有关之对象,相当于“跟”“同。”作连接词,相当于“和”“或。”
 []()  give; offer  help; support () with ; to () and

70 "and" for the interrelated, also refers to give.
And the word is with knowing. Like two people hold a total of four objects, connected to each other shape. Xu Shen that is given to the shape of "Shuowen" Note: "Give a spoon." And righteousness to give. As a preposition, the introduction of action related to the object, the equivalent of "with" and "with." As a conjunction, the equivalent of "and" or ".

With [and] Ⅰ (moving) ① give; offer ② help; support Ⅱ (mediated) with; to Ⅲ (even) and

<中文解码歌>69 "兴"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 69 "To rise " word song

<中文解码歌>69  "兴"字歌

要兴起, 靠劳动,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 69
    "To rise " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

To rise, by labor,
Four-hand cooperation in coordination.
Emerging industry information,
Business accessible called Xinglong.


       Eighty-year-old for

69 "兴"象四手共举一物之形,会意兴起. "Hing" as a total of four hands to give a shape, will rise.

69  "兴"象四手共举一物之形,会意兴起.

 [] ()  prosper  become popular promote; undertake

69 "Hing" as a total of four hands to give a shape, will rise.
Hing-bone as a total of four hands were given a shape. Will rise. "Said the text" Note: "From also." Hing refers to the rise. Also refers to prosperity, strong. And "dead" relative. To start, appear, mobilize, mobilize, establish, permit, permit, pop, rise, prevail.

Xing [move] (prosperous) ① prosper ② become popular ③ promote; undertake

<中文解码歌>68 "学"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 68 "Learning " word song

<中文解码歌>68  "学"字歌


汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午


 "Chinese decoding song" 68
    "Learning " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

<Chinese Decoding Song> 68 "learn" the word song
      (Tune send "End of the World Song Girl")

There are students, with both hands,
Hands in the study with the operator chips.
Learning language science and technology,
Xue Hai knows no boundaries bitter boat.

      Eighty-year-old for

附录:学海无涯苦作舟,意思是指:If you want to successfully reach the peak of the towering knowledge peaks, hard work is the only way to reach the summit; if you want to swim in the endless knowledge of the ocean, Patience, effort, hard learning attitude will be a forward line of the ship, you can set sail to the success of the other side. There are no shortcuts to go on the road to study or study. There is no boat to go. If you want to learn more knowledge from the vast mountains and sea, "hard work" and "hard work" are two Indispensable, and the best conditions.

This poem can be motto to motivate generation after generation of young people, learning even if not smart, but as long as the hard work, will be harvested, to success. This sentence from the famous writer, the first of eight Tang and Song Han Yu, is the famous scholar, designed to encourage people not afraid of bitter reading. ----- quoted from <Baidu Encyclopedia>

68 "学",象孩子手持算筹学习之形。 "learning", like a child holding the shape of a learning study.

68  "学",象孩子手持算筹学习之形。

 []()  study; learn  imitate; mimic ()  learning; knowledge  subject of study; branch of learning  school

68 "learning", like a child holding the shape of a learning study.
Learning oracle bones as a child holding a line or count of branches (count) in the form of learning. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Consciousness also. From teaching, from the 冖. 冖, still Mongolia." Learning to teach, so that consciousness. After specifically refers to emulate, learning. Knowledge, academic, doctrine, disciplines, schools and so on.

(1) learning (2) ① study; learn ② imitate; mimic Ⅱ (名) ① learning; knowledge ② subject of study;

<中文解码歌>67 "友"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 67 "friends " word song

<中文解码歌>67  "友"字歌

两个人, 手拉手,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 67
    "friends " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Two people, hand in hand,
We are all good friends.
Unity and fraternity Qi progress,
"Friendship first" mind.

汪 岚 2016 11 30 Morning

       Eighty-year-old for

67 "友"象两个人手拉手之形,是个生动形象的会意字. "Friends" like two people hand in hand shape, is a vivid image of knowing the word.

67  "友"象两个人手拉手之形,是个生动形象的会意字.
() friend () friendly

67 "Friends" like two people hand in hand shape, is a vivid image of knowing the word.
Friends of Oracle as hand in hand shape, knowing. "Said the text" Note: "comrades for the Friends. From the second and the intersection of friends." Friends that comrades, refers to the aspirations of the same person. Also refers to friends, team, neighbors, neighbors and the army. Extended friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship and so on.

"Friend" powered by

<中文解码歌>66 "互"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 66 "Mutual " word song

<中文解码歌>66  "互"字歌

上手拉, 下手伸,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 66
    "Mutual " word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Get started, get started,
Help each other to become.
Mutual benefit can complement each other,
Interdependence and mutual struggle.

Wang Lan 2016 11 30 am 
     for the age of 81

66 "互"象人手互为握持之形,会意相互\互助. "mutual" like the hands of each other to hold the shape, knowing each other \ mutual aid.

66  "互"象人手互为握持之形,会意相互\互助.
 () mutual; each other

66 "mutual" like the hands of each other to hold the shape, knowing each other \ mutual aid.
Mutual understanding is the word. Like the hands of each other holding the shape. Knowing each other. "Said the text" Note: "each other, as the hand of the hand grip also." Each hook on the drop, up and down interaction. The original meaning of mutual, mutual. Mutual benefit, mutual benefit, reciprocity and so on. Philosophically refers to the opposite of contradiction in the same body, the two interdependence and struggle with each other.


<中文解码歌>65 "挤"字歌 "Chinese decoding song" 65 " squeeze" word song

<中文解码歌>65  "挤"字歌

手是形, 声是齐,

汪 岚 2016 11 30 上午

 "Chinese decoding song" 65
    " squeeze" word song
( Music to borrow "Wandering of the song girl")

Hands are shaped, the sound is homogeneous,
" squeeze" will also mean Qi force.
Five fingers together hand pressure,
Extrusion of milk and juice.

汪 岚 2016 11 30 Morning

       Eighty-year-old for