
92 “襄”“镶”“讓(让)”“嚷”“禳”“醸(酿)”“孃(娘)”,襄是初文。简化乱改密码,以至组字系统打乱。 "Xiang (mother)", Xiang is the beginning of the text, refers to the small pieces of cloth to go to Xiang clothes to help. "Xiang", "Xiang" Simplify the chaos to change the password, as well as group word system upset.

92  “襄”“镶”“讓(让)”“嚷”“瓤”“禳”“醸(酿)”“孃(娘)”,襄是初文,是指用小块布去襄补衣裳。简化乱改密码,以至组字系统打乱。
1  襄   甲骨文象上下两块布镶接相拼之形。含襄助之义。《说文》注:“汉令:解衣耕谓之襄。”襄指汉朝律令解衣耕地。借指帮助、协助。
 () () assist; help

2  镶   甲骨文襄是镶之本字。以金为形符,指明为金属之镶接。《说文》注:“作型中肠也。从金,襄声。”镶为铸铜或铁器模型之瓤子,即内模。作动词,指镶嵌,即将东西嵌入物体,或在物体外围加边。
[镶]1inlay;set;mount 2rim; edge; border

3  让   讓是形声字。言为形符;襄为声符。《说文》注:“相责让。从言,襄声。”让义为互相责让,就是将方便、好处留给别人,或将权利、财物转移给别人,故称谦让、辞让、避让。引申推辞、拒绝、容许、邀请、逊色、亚于等。让或表示一种愿望,用于号召。作口头语相当于“被。”
 []()  give way; give in; give up  let sb have sth at a fair price  invite; offer  let; allow () used in a passive sentence to introduce the agent

4  嚷   嚷是形声字。口为形符;襄为声符。嚷指吵闹、吵嚷。引申声张。
 嚷嚷 ()  shout; yell  make widely known

5  瓤   瓤是形声字。瓜为形符;襄为声符。瓤指瓜果中包裹种子之松软部分。瓢亦泛指皮壳内所包之物。

 () pulp; flesh; pith

 () avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

7  酿   酿是形声字。酉为形符;襄为声符。《说文》注:“酝也。作酒曰酿。从酉,襄声。”酿即酝酿、酿造。原指造酒之发酵、蒸馏过程,后利用发酵技术制造酱油、醋等。借指蜜蜂酿蜜。引申形成、造成、筹备、发展等。
 [] ()  make by fermentation make (honey)  lead to; result in

8  娘   甲骨文形声字。女为形符;良为声符。《韵会》说:“娘同孃,少女之号。”本指姑娘,又转为母亲辈之女性。借指老一辈年长之妇女。
 [] ()  mother; ma; mum a form of address for an elderly married woman  a young woman

"Inlaid clothing ", Xiang is the beginning of the text, refers to the small pieces of cloth to  clothes . Simplify the chaos to change the password, as well as group word system upset.
1 Xiang-like bone up and down like a piece of cloth mosaic phase shape. With the help of justice. "Said the text" Note: "Han Ling: the solution of clothing that Xiang Xiang." Xiang refers to the Han Dynasty to unravel arable land. By means of help, assistance.
Xiang (动) (书) assist; help

2 Xiang is the inscription of the word. To gold for the character, specified for the metal of the connection. "Said the text" Note: "for the type of the midgut also from the gold, Xiang sound." Inlaid copper or iron model for the flesh, that is, the internal model. Verbs, referring to the mosaic, something about to be embedded objects, or objects in the external plus side.
Set [mount] 1inlay; set; mount 2rim; edge; border

3 Let Let is the phonetic word. Words for the character; Xiang as a symbol. "Said the text" Note: "The responsibility to make. From the words, Xiang sound." Let the right to mutual responsibility, that is convenient, the benefits left to others, or the right, property transferred to others, so that humility, resignation, avoidance . Extended, rejected, allowed, invited, inferior, inferior and so on. To express or express a desire for a call. To be spoken is equivalent to being.
Let let (let) I (move) ① give way; give in; give up ② let sb have sth at a fair price ③ invite; offer ④ let; allow Ⅱ (mediated) used in a passive sentence to introduce the agent

4 yell is the phonetic word. Mouth for the character; Xiang as a symbol. Cry refers to noisy, noisy. Extended Shen Zhang.
Shout; shout; yell ② make shout;

5 flesh is a phonetic word. Gua for the character; Xiang as a symbol. A soft part of a seed enclosed in a fruit. Scoop also refers to the package inside the shell.
Flesh (also: pulp)

6 assertion is a phonetic word. Shown as a symbol; Xiang as a symbol. "Said the text" Note: "磔 assassination, in addition to the pestilence is also from the show, Xiang sound." Assert the sacrifice for the name, 磔 sacrifice in addition to evil spree. The sacrifice is the division of the body. This kind of sacrificial way is the ancient Suiren Shi for his son line offering disaster disaster to disaster. Assert as a verb, refers to pray for gods. Extended Mishu solution, in addition to limit.
Avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

7 brewing is the phonetic word. Unitary for the character; Xiang as a symbol. "Said the text" Note: "brew also. Wine for brewing said. From the unitary, Xiang sound." Brewing brewing, brewing. The former refers to the fermentation of wine, distillation process, after the use of fermentation technology to produce soy sauce, vinegar and so on. By means of honey bees. Formation, formation, preparation, development and so on.
Make (make) (make) (make) (make)

8 mother of a phonogram. Female for the character; good for the sound. "Yun will" said: "Mother Mother, girl number." This refers to the girl, but also to the female generation of the mother. By means of the older generation of women.

Mum ② a form of address for an elderly married woman ③ a young woman

