
《汉字解码学》结束语 The Conclusion of Chinese Character Decoding


   1 象形组字法;
   2 指事组字法;
   3 会意组字法;
   4 形声组字法;   
   5 假借组字法;
   6 转注组字法。
   1 象形(指事)解码法;
   2 会意解码法;
   3 形声解码法;
   4 字族(假借、转注解码法。
四、汉字的正确与否,不要单纯以简体或繁体来衡量,而要以    密码的是否准确表达来衡量。
五、历史给我们开了一个大玩笑:被历代称为暴君(焚书坑    儒)的秦始皇(及丞相李斯),居然是卫护和保存密码    汉字的重要人物;而当今的许多贤达、文化旗手,一心    想让中国进步得更快的人,却在这个问题上栽了一个大    跟斗。而且挽救这个危局的不是文化旗手,而是主张实    事求是的胡耀邦。
六、历史还在给我们开着一个大玩笑:中国具有几千年历史    的,也是最大的非物质文化遗产---密码汉字还在被改    造、被践踏;然而那些尊重她、爱护她、保卫她的人早    已被打成“资产阶级右派”而愤然离开了人世。
七、1899年甲骨文的发掘,引起了全世界的震惊,她为汉字密    码的破译提供了更好的条件,然而我们却来了一个开倒    车,这个玩笑就开得太大了。
            汪 岚 2017 1 7 八十二岁留言

The Conclusion of Chinese Character Decoding
First, the Chinese characters by the four kinds of passwords (pictograms, refers to things, knowing, phonetic) composed of cryptographic characters.
Second, the composition of Chinese characters in the following six specific ways:
   1 pictographic group word method;
   2 word group word method;
   3 knowing the word group;
   4 phonetic group words;
   5 under the guise of the word method;
   6 turn note group word method.
Third, the Chinese character decoding has the following four methods:
   1 pictographic (meaning matter) decoding method;
   2 knowing decoding method;
   3 - shape acoustic decoding method;
   4 word family (under the guise, to note) decoding method.
Fourth, the correctness of Chinese characters, not simply in simplified or traditional to measure, but to the accuracy of the password to measure.
Fifth, history has given us a big joke: by the ages known as the tyrant (burning book Hang Confucianism) of the First Emperor (and the prime minister Li Si), is actually guarding and preserving the password of the important characters of Chinese characters; and many of today's leaders, People who want to make China progress faster, but in this issue planted a big fight. And to save the crisis is not a culture of standard-bearer, but advocate realistic Hu Yaobang.
Sixth, history is still giving us a joke: China has thousands of years of history, is also the largest intangible cultural heritage - password Chinese characters are still being modified, be trampled; However, those who respect her, protect her, defend Her people have long been labeled as "bourgeois right" and angrily left the world.
In 1899, Oracle's excavation, caused the shock of the world, her password for the Chinese characters to provide better conditions, but we have come to a reversing, the joke is too big.

        Wang Lan 2017 1 7 82-year-old message

