
附录之五: 解码甲骨文“九”字——解读“六法” Appendix 5: Decoding Oracle "Nine" Word - Interpretation of "Six Methods"

附录之五: 解码甲骨文“九”字——解读“六法”
“九”, 甲骨文象绳索纠集之形,也象人手拧扭东西之形
 (数) (nine ② each of the nine nine-day periods beginning from the day after the Winter Solstice ③ many; numerous



(一)纠   甲骨文象两绳相互纠集之形。《说文》注:“相纠也。”本义纠缭。引申结合、聚集、缠绕、绞合。再引申矫正、改正、督察、纠察等。

 [糾、糺] (① entangle ② gather together ③ correct; rectify

(二)丑    甲骨文有二形:①象以手扭物之形。《说文》注:“丑,扭也。用事,象手之形。”丑为扭之本字。②象一鬼跪坐,旁有一坛美酒,对照鬼为丑类。《说文》注:“丑,可恶也。从鬼,酉声。”丑指相貌难看,令人厌憎。与“美”相对。引申丑态、丑事、丑闻、丑角。作动词,指出丑、献丑。
 [醜] (① ugly ② disgraceful; shameful; scandalous

(三)扭   甲骨文象以手扭动他物之形。会意扭转或扭曲。引申揪住、缠绕、拧伤、掉转方向等。

 (动① turn round ② twist; wrench ③ sprain ④ grapple (or wrestle) with ⑤ sway from side to side; swing

Appendix 5:
 Decoding Oracle "Nine" Word - Interpretation of "Six Methods"
            Decoding Oracle "Nine" Word - Interpretation of "Six Methods"
"Nine", Oracle like a rope to gather the shape, but also twist things like twist the shape of the staff.
"Said the text" Note: "Yang is also variable." Quotations for the "Book of Changes" accounted for one of the number of Yang, nine for the old Yang, Wen and the people change. Oracle number 1-10, only nine is under the guise of the word, not count the word. Nine for the number of eight plus one and. Oracle used as a number of words. Refers to the majority. Nine also for seasonal names, such as heavy nine, a few cold days.
Nine (9) ①nine ② each of the nine nine-day periods beginning from the day after the Winter Solstice ③ many; numerous

New insights: Oracle "Nine", like twisted rope or clothes on the hands of the shape, the extension of the curve, that distortion. In the past, we used only nine characters for the number of words, but do not know the "nine" of the first meaning or verb. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other provinces of the people, after washing clothes called "Nine" dry clothes, filtered milk said to be "nine" dry pocket, not wring or dry. However, no one in the written use of "nine dry" word. In fact, nine characters have evolved into "correction" or "twist." This evolution, can reflect the ancient Chinese word "six law":
Nine --- pictograph ------------------ borrowed for the word "nine" (under the guise of)
Correction - will know the word ("nine" is inverted, the Department is also a character, combined group for the knowing word)
Ugly --- pointer (to a write that was "nine" clothing, material) --- switch to the sticks for the "ugly" (to note)
Twisted --- shaped words (New Zealand, button, girl, coy, 狃)
                    Simplified word "ugly", its original word is "unitary ghost".

    Pictograms, knowing, instructions, phonetic - is composed of a password,
             Under the guise of, note - is the use of methods.


(A) rectification of bones as the two rope mutual entangled form. "Said the text" Note: "phase correction also." Extended combination, aggregation, winding, stranding. And then lead to correction, correction, inspectors, picketing and so on.

Correction [correction, 糺] (moving) ① entangle ② gather together ③ correct; rectify

(B) ugly bones have two shapes: ① as the shape of the hand twist. "Shuowen" Note: "ugly, twist also.", As the hand shape. "Ugly twisted the word. ② like a ghost kneeling, next to an altar of wine, the control of ghosts as ugly. "Said the text" Note: "Ugly, hateful also from the ghost, unitary sound." Ugly refers to looks ugly, disgusting. And "beauty" relative. Ugly, scandalous, scandalous, clowning. As a verb, ugly, ugly.
Ugly [ugly] (ugly) ① ugly ② disgraceful; shameful; scandalous

(C) twisted armor as a hand to twist the shape of his other objects. Knowing to reverse or twist. Extended grasping, winding, twisting injury, turn direction and so on.

(1) turn (2) twist; wrench ③ sprain ④ grapple (or wrestle) with ⑤ sway from side to side; swing

