
附录之六: 解码甲骨文“手”字---后记 Decode jiaguwen "hand" - postscript

   附录之六: 解码甲骨文“手”字---后记

1  劳动创造了人,主要靠手、靠脑。一个手字,竟有五百多个劳作形态,占4500个常用汉字的百分之十二左右。对比多国文字,真是“奇迹”。
2  研究汉字,从“密码”着手,效率为高。
3  汉字创立后,在3500年前的殷商时代,甲骨文已成系统,密码生动。后来的改革,金文由简到繁。春秋列国各自为政,更加繁琐,书写各异。秦代统一文字,功劳卓著。汉隶、汉揩,密码改体,但还可辨。汉字简化,密码难认,汉字的“形、声、意”大为淡化,对中华文化有利有弊,弊大于利。
                                                汪 岚 2015 6 12

Decode jiaguwen "hand" - postscript
          Decoding Oracle "hand" word --- postscript

    Decoding Oracle "hand", time-consuming in recent months, feeling a lot:
1 labor created people, mainly by hand, by the brain. A hand, as much as five hundred labor form, accounting for 4500 commonly used Chinese characters about 12 percent. Comparison of multi-language, really "miracle."
2 Chinese characters, from the "password" to proceed, the efficiency is high.
3 Chinese characters after the creation of the 3500 years ago, the Shang Dynasty, Oracle has become a system, password vivid. Later reform, inscriptions from simple to complex. Spring and Autumn States of their own way, more cumbersome, writing different. Qin unified text, credit outstanding. Han Li, Han Ka, password modification, but also identified. Simplified Chinese characters, difficult to identify the password, the Chinese characters of the "shape, sound, meaning" greatly diluted, the Chinese culture advantages and disadvantages, more harm than good.
     A view of the hole, look forward to exhibitions.
                                                 Wang Lan 2015 6 12

