
解码汉字5 石器时代的文化遗存------斫、破、砍、拓 5 stone age cultural relics ------ chop, broken, cut, extension

5  石器时代的文化遗存------斫、破、砍   

 () jin, Chinese unit of weight(= 1/2 kilogram)

 () hack (with an axe or sword)

 () cut; chop; hack; hew

   破是会意字,由石、手、皮三个象 形符号组成。石指使用的是石制刀具,皮指操作对象,指持拿工具的手。《说文》注:石碎也。从石,皮声。破是石块碎裂或东西受到损伤而残缺。作动词,指打破(原有形态、格局、限制、纪录等)。引申毁坏、打败、攻克、劈开、揭穿、消除、除掉等。使整体变换成零碎亦曰破。破与相对。
Ⅰ() ① broken; damaged; torn; worn-out ② of poor quality Ⅱ() ① break; split; cleave; cut ② get rid of ; do away with; abolish ③ defeat ④ find out the truth about; lay bare

 () open up; develop


5 stone age cultural relics ------ chop, broken, cut, extension

Stone Age, refers to the use of stone as a tool for the era, then because of underdeveloped technology, people can only create simple tools to stone. With the advance of the times, people on the development of stone is also constantly improving. In the division of the times, the Stone Age can be roughly divided into Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic times.
Stone is made of a variety of stones. For example, cherts and horns are sharpened (or cut into thin slices) to serve as tools or weapons for cutting, while basalt and sandstone are used to make stone tools, such as hand grinders. Wood, bones, shells, antlers and other materials are also widely used. In the late Stone Age, clay and other materials have also been used to make pottery.
The Stone Age encompassed the first widespread spread of science and technology in the course of human evolution and the expansion of mankind from the Savannas region of East Africa to the rest of the world.
Stone tools are made of many different types of stone, such as flint and flint will be sharpened as a knife or a weapon, and basalt and sandstone are used as the ground stone.
There are a lot of characters in stone, but there are several words that are closely related to the Stone Age (the Neolithic Age)
Jin bone like a crank ax-shaped. Knowing to cut down. "Said the text" Note: "Chop wood also. Pictograms." The original meaning of logging, also refers to the cutting of wood tools. In addition to tools, but also used as weapons. Jin has been used as the original exchange of ax, so the catties for the Chinese city system of weight units, 1 catty = 10 two, together 500 grams.
Jin Chinese unit of weight (= 1/2 kilogram)

Chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop ch "Said the text" Note: "strike also from the pounds, stone sound." Chop that cut, cut. This word may be stone age labor, a true portrayal of life.
Hack (with an ax or sword)

Cut cut is knowing the word. Stone for the character, said the machete is a stone system; owed the man hacking action. Cut meaning for the use of stone ax fierce hack. Refers to split, chop. Extended reduction, get rid of.
Chop; hack;

Broken is knowing the word, by the stone, hand, leather three pictographic symbols. Stone refers to the use of stone tools, leather refers to the operation of objects, "and" refers to holding tools of the hand. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Stone is also broken. From the stone, leather sound." Broken stone is broken or something damaged by incomplete. (2) To act as a verb, as in breaking down (original form, pattern, limitation, record, etc). To destroy, defeat, conquer, split, expose, remove, get rid of. So that the whole system is also broken into bits broken. Broken and "legislation" relative.
(1) broken (1) broken; broken; torn; worn-out ② of poor quality Ⅱ (action) ① break; split; cleave; cut ② get rid of; do away with; abolish ③ defeat ④ find out the truth about; Lay bare

Extension is knowing the word. To hand stone composition. Will be intended to expand the stone, but also refers to hand tools to open up. From the hand, stone sound. "Rubbings read zhi, meaning to pick up. Reading tuo, used as a pioneer. Word image to hand (holding tools) split stone shape. Extended to open up, expand, expand, pioneer and so on.
Open up;

Chinese characters originated in the Neolithic Age, stone tools for the pictographic symbols, rather than gold as a symbol, exactly reflects the working conditions at that time.

1 条评论:

  1. "破"這字原是英文Bro_ken, 台語唸"pra" ----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
