
3、形声解码法: 3 .Dicoding the phonograms


3 .Dicoding the phonograms
The oracle bone scriptions of three thousand years old are mainly pictographs, the phonograms account for only about 20 percent. Until Qin and Han Dynasties of 2000 years ago, the phonograms were dramatically increased. In Word And Expression, the phonograms were about 82 percent. In modern Chinese, there are about 90 percent phonograms. It can be seen that it is important to analyse the phonograms. The phonograms have three advantages. Firstly, they have elements indicating pronounciation, one 70-80 percent knows how to read them simply by first look; secondly, the character structure is simple, there is an element for form and also an element for pronounciation, it is easy to analyse; thirdly, there are rules applied to more complicated phonograms. The following methods apply: a) the sound element is parent, the form element step mother ( the sound element is prior to the form element); b) to catch the bandits, first catch the ringleader, to know how to read, first know what is parent element (the form element contains real meaning); c) a scholar is shrewd enough to just read the half character (only for some phonograms). 
Another point, that is, a lot of words into the phonetic, in fact, is two or three password composed of knowing the word, it is both sound and symbol. This is the 1899 Oracle found and decoded, to some new knowledge. Of course, the interpretation of the password from which the password is also a very careful matter.

