
解码汉字22 “为”字,表现了人类驯服大象,也反映了大象为人类的劳作。 22 "for" the word, the performance of the human tame elephants, but also reflects the elephant's labor for mankind.

22 “字,表现了人类驯服大象,也反映了大象为人类的劳作。


 []Ⅰ() ① do; act ② act as; serve as ③ become ④ be; mean Ⅱ() used together withto indicate a passive structure


22 "for" the word, the performance of the human tame elephants, but also reflects the elephant's labor for mankind.

As the image of the elephant by hand as the Oracle. The elephant is used as a draft animal. During the Shang Dynasty, the Central Plains region lived a large number of elephants, often recorded as "elephant". A large number of ivory unearthed in Sichuan Jinsha site also confirmed that ancient China has elephant.
"For", both means "for", also refers to "because", why (why). To act as a verb, act, act, act, become, be, act, act, assist, etc. As a preposition, for passive sentences, equivalent to "be." "Said the text" will be "for" Notes for the female monkey, can be used for research purposes.

As (for) I (move) ① do; act ② act as; serve as ③ become ④ be; mean Ⅱ (intermediary) used together with to indicate a passive structure

Modern China, with the exception of Yunnan and other southern regions have a few elephants, 90% of the region did not elephants. However, in 2500 years ago, the climate is hot, many parts of China, have elephant life. "Baidu Post Bar - the history of the distribution of Chinese elephant changes" Introduction:

In ancient times, the distribution of elephants in China is extremely broad. The Neolithic Age of the Yellow River basin has frequented the elephant, the ancient Great Yu served as the legend, not without basis. Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, discovered the remains and remains of Asian elephants, the era of about late in the late summer (about 3000 ~ 4000 years ago), which is currently the world's known Asian elephant distribution of the most northern record, About 40 ° 11 'north latitude, and Beijing at the same latitude. In the 8000 to 2500 years ago, the level of human productivity is very low, the weak impact on the natural environment, the average annual temperature of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River is now 2 ~ 3 ℃ higher than the average temperature of the coldest winter is now 5 ℃ , Mostly in northern China, subtropical climate, lush vegetation and lakes throughout the elephant's life as a very favorable conditions. Henan Anyang Yin Ruins have also been found in the remains of the elephant. The famous "twenty-four filial piety" in such a few words "Shungeng in Lishan. There are like farming. Birds for Yun." Lishan in Jiyin Chengyang, quite today, Shandong Heze and Dongming and other places. Of course, the so-called elephant tillage is not the same kind of farmland as today's cattle farming, but like the elk cultivated land, the wild animals in the spring come to the marsh foraging, and they turn the wet land on their teeth and turn them overturned. In these trampled places sowed seeds. Shang Dynasty elephants in the Yellow River in the lower reaches of many, in the Shang Dynasty Oracle books, there are many records on the elephant, such as Shang Wang Qinyang had in the vicinity of the southern side of the Taihang Mountains hunting seven wild elephants. At that time not only as the clan, but also domesticated wild elephant, and sometimes even more out of war as the army, "Lu Spring and Autumn" contains: "businessman like, for the child in Dongyi." As not only livestock, and ivory as raw material Handicraft industry is also very developed, in the instrument as a tube, in the dance as a dance, Shang and Zhou Dynasties also like hairpin, elephant, elephant, elephant, elephant ring, elephant and other ivory made ornaments. The distribution of the elephant is also reflected in the geographical names, the ancient name of Henan, "Henan" as the pictographic characters, is one of the symbol, a symbol of harmony between man and nature, peace. Not only that, as a sacrificial or funeral way of the Shang Dynasty, Yin Ruins Wangling District, has been found as a pit, pit buried in a pig, also found a person as a funerary pit. Visible, the ancient elephant and our relationship with the Central Plains is very close. However, along with the progress of production, the increasing of human activities and the expansion of natural development, the northern boundary of wild elephant in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is also being continuously retreated to the south of Shangdong, In the late Spring and Autumn Period (about 2500 years ago), the climate of the Yellow River began to cool, and elephants moved southward to the lower reaches of the Huaihe River. Therefore, in the Warring States period, the lower reaches of the Yellow River elephants are very rare.

