雍 Yong Oracle Phonogram. Birds pictogram; Yong acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "Yong canal from short-tailed bird, Yong sound.." Yong for the bird, called Yong canal, now the order of the ridge. Li Yong turned into. By means elegant. The idea of harmony, dignified, elegant.
雍 甲骨文形声字。鸟为形符;邕为声符。《说文》注:“邕渠也。从隹,邕声。”雍为鸟名,叫雍渠,即今之脊令。隶变作雍。借指雍容华贵。引申和谐、端庄、文雅。
雍 甲骨文形声字。鸟为形符;邕为声符。《说文》注:“邕渠也。从隹,邕声。”雍为鸟名,叫雍渠,即今之脊令。隶变作雍。借指雍容华贵。引申和谐、端庄、文雅。
雍 (形) (书) harmony