
《汉字解码学》 "Chinese character decoding"

    "Chinese character decoding"
The first part.
The Relationship between Chinese Characters and the World.
  Text is a written symbol of the human language, is used to communicate information for communication in the visible symbol system. Text is the sign and product of human civilization.
There are more than 2790 languages ​​spoken in the world today. There are 210 important languages, most of them have their own text. The world's text by category, in general, can be divided into three categories:
1, Pinyin text. Pinyin text has 3,000 years of history.
2, the password text. Password text is accompanied by human beings into the civilized society and the emergence of the ancient text. Dating back some 5,000-8,000 years of history.
3, syllable text. Since about 2000 years of history.
As far as cryptography is concerned, the meanings of "Wen" and "Zi" are clearly defined. Han Dynasty scholar Xu Shen "Cang Jie at the beginning of the book, covered by pictographic, so that the text. Followed by the shape of sound benefits, that is, the word. The text, the elephant of the country; the word who made milk and Baptist more. With the bamboo silk that book. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi:" Cang Jie at the beginning for the book, covered by the class pictograph, so that the text, followed by the form of sound benefits, that is, the word of the text, the image of the country; In short, the text is the password symbol, the word is composed of cryptographic symbols of the word (word for word). This book will be on the composition of the password and how to decipher 



