
四是5300年前中东两河流域的苏美尔人在美索不达米亚平原使用的图画文字,再从这种文字简化成楔形文字 Fourth, the Middle East 5300 years ago in Mesopotamia Sumerian Mesopotamian plain text using the picture of Mae Sot, from this simplified cuneiform writing.

  四是5300年前中东两河流域的苏美尔人在美索不达米亚平    原使用的图画文字,再从这种文字简化成楔形文字。

这种文字是以芦苇的茎或尖削的金属在黏土板上写下的文字,文字全由楔形的图形组合而成。5000年前两河流域的乌鲁克城已有两万五千居民,是当时世界上最大的城市,贸易繁荣。两河流域盛产粮食和啤酒,但缺乏木材、石头和金属原材料。早期文字泥块中百分之十五是各种表格和清单。比如,职业清单上写有法官、国务秘书、农业部长、神职、顾问、公务员,最后是花匠、制陶、厨师、面包师等职业。其它还有常见的贸易商品清单,动物清单以及植物清单。显然,清单能减轻管理人员征税或统计的工作量。5000年前泥砖文字大约有900个符号,其中60个是数字。 苏美尔人早期用树枝在软的泥块上"画"字。这显然非常费时,很快"画"被"戳"代替。到4500年前,"楔形文字"已经基本定型。不难想象,画图是"造字"最简单的办法。山、水、太阳和月亮等等都在那里摆着,几笔"画"一下既成字,而且人人都懂。但是,"画图造字"很快遇到困难。因为人名地名只有"音"没有意义,如何画?另外,很多抽象词汇也很难画,如"可能"。所以,楔形文字引入了"发音符号"。从4500年前的石碑雕塑上可以看出,当时士兵带有头盔、手执盾牌长矛,队形整齐威武雄壮。波斯楔形文字是4500年前诞生的,相对年轻,所以比其他楔形文字简洁、破译相对容易。之后,直到20世纪初,其它几种楔形文字的秘密才先后被彻底解开。世界各地博物馆中保存的楔形文字泥砖多达百万块,内容有圣经故事和最早的法律,有草药的应用和手术的收费标准,有最早的根号2计算,有包括10进制全部特征的60进制,有太阳钟和水钟的误差分析,有历史记载,有平民故事,等等,等等。它记载了我们祖先如诗如画又苦难艰辛的生活。公元前330年,亚历山大大帝灭亡了波斯帝国,楔形字从此消亡。直至19世纪40年代英国考古学家罗林森等人在叙利亚掘出的15000块泥板书(现在己掘出75万块)上,经过解读密码符号,才得知了一个湮灭了2300多年的文明古国的多彩历史和风情。

Fourth, the Middle East 5300 years ago in Mesopotamia Sumerian Mesopotamian plain text using the picture of Mae Sot, from this simplified cuneiform writing. 

This text is a reed stalk or tapered metal plate in clay written text, full-text combination wedge pattern formed. Uruk in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago, the city has twenty-five thousand inhabitants, was the world's largest cities, trade and prosperity. Mesopotamia rich food and beer, but the lack of wood, stone and metal materials. Fifteen percent in the early text mud various tables and lists. For example, write a judge, the Secretary of State, Minister of Agriculture, clergy, consultants, civil servants on the career list, and finally the gardener, pottery, cooks, bakers and other professional. There are other common list of goods trade, animal and plant inventory list. Obviously, inventory management can reduce the workload of taxation or statistics. Approximately 5,000 years ago adobe text symbol 900, where 60 is a number. Early Sumerian branches in the soft mud of the "painting" word. This is obviously very time consuming, very soon, "painting" by "stamp" instead. 4500 years ago, "cuneiform" has been basically finalized. Not difficult to imagine the drawing is "defined" the easiest way. Mountains, water, sun and moon, etc. was there, a few strokes "Videos" about de facto word, and all understand. However, the "Paint defined" soon encountered difficulties. Because Onomastic only "sound" does not make sense, how to draw? In addition, it is difficult to draw a lot of abstract words such as "may." Therefore, the introduction of cuneiform "diacritical mark." As can be seen from the 4500 historical stone sculpture, when soldiers with helmets, armed with shields spears, neat formation grandeur. Persian cuneiform was born 4,500 years ago, is relatively young, so other than the cuneiform simple, relatively easy to decipher. After that, until the early 20th century, several other secrets only cuneiform has been completely solved. Museums around the world to save cuneiform mud up to one million, the contents of the Bible stories and the first law, there are herbs and application fees surgery, there are calculated the earliest root of 2, has all the features including decimal 60 hex, sun clock and water clock error analysis of recorded history, there are stories of civilians, etc., etc. It describes the suffering of our ancestors picturesque and hard life. 330 BC, Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian Empire, the wedge word from extinction. Until the 1840s, British archaeologist Rawlinson and others in Syria's 15,000 clay tablets unearthed book (now been exhumed 750 000), the password symbol after interpretation, only that the annihilation of a 2300 years of ancient civilization colorful history and customs.

